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Show 4:111mm [ 7° ] [ 7x 1' 'An'd confequently if Lord Coke's Doc; that this was really the cafe, is clearly trine (for which he has cited thefe examples) had, in thofe early times, been current, viz. that " by flecial wards " the Parliament of England may bind proved by fome other Englifh records, cited by Mr. Mollyneux, in his Cafe of Ireland, pp. 73, and 74. whereby it appears, that even " Knights of the, " the Subjeéts of Ireland," it is apparent, " Shires, Citizens, and Burgefles, Were "eleéted in the Shires, Cities, and " Boroughs, of Ireland, to ferve in Pan that the fame could not have been underflood in any other light than that I .1 of including a due reprefentation of the Irifh Parliament «witbin the Parliament ofEngland ; which the examples theme {elves fufliciently demonttrate (14.): And that " liament in England" (I 5); which an-« cient (15) " Formerly" (fays Mr. Mollyneux) "when " Ireland was but thinly peopled, and the Englifh " laws not fully current in all parts of the Kingdom, " it is probable, that then they could not frequently " afl'emble with conveniency or fafety to make laws in (14.) In the fame page likewife, (4th Infi. p. 350.) "' their own Parliament at home; and therefore, du- Lord Coke has produced [till more evidence to prove the Parliamt'ntar} Rtglm of we [rt/b Sud/'95:; for he cites the Parliament rolls of roth of Edw. II.--" De " ring the heats of rebellions, or confufion of the " times, they were forced to enaét laws in England. " Parliamentis fingulir amzi: in Hibernia tenendis , et " de legibus, et confuetudinibus Miriam emendandis -" and he remarks thereupon,-" Hereby it appeareth," (fays he) " that there wart Parliaments [Jo/den in Ireland " But then this was always by their proper Reprefem " tatives : For we find, that in the Reign of Edward " the Third, and by what toregoes, it is plain it Iwa; "/5 in Edward lb: Firfz": time; Kni‘gét: qf (be S/zirr, " Citizen, and Burggfls, wart (1:51:11): 2/72 Sln'ru, Ci- " before this time, and order taken at this Parliam ent " " ti", and Borough of Ireland, to jinx; in Parliament in (fays he,) " that they lheuld be holden rwryyear arid " England; and have To ferved accordingly. For, " amongi't the records of the Tower of London, th. " the like Aé‘ts were made in England, in 4th E3111- " and 36th E. III. for Parliaments to be holden in " England ;" {'0 that regular annual Parliaments were ellablilhed in Ireland heron they were in England! " Clauf. so. Edward the Third, Parl. 2.. Memb. 23. " we find a writ from the King at Wel'tminfler, di" reé‘ted to James Butler, Lord lattice of Ireland, and, " to R. Archbifltop of Dublin, his Chancellor, re- " quiring |