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Show [ X l l Xi ] the fame chapter, where he is defining the difference between Law and fome other fuch private :xautiom can be attributed to nothing but a maeoucar. Daraavrrv in the minds of thofc who order them. - other things, which teeth to bear relation to it 5 as Comyi'l, which requires rayon: to produce an ollegm‘z'mz, 56c. " But Law," (lays he,) "though it " ought not to want its real/om, yet their: " Val/biz: are not the caule why obe- It all'o appears that one ufe ofaflandingflrmy, in that unhappy Kingdom, is to guard the avenues of ltreets to prevent the people from difcovering the hirer: as well as fufirerr at fuch horrid maflwz' tragedier as I have mentioned; and therefore I cannot help remarking the extreme abfurdity of that (otherwife) fenhble and flirewd people in boafling of their nan'anal military Hr- 71010", when even large bodies of their belt-difciplined troops, who are Frenchmen alfo by birth, and have the means in their own hands to render jullice and reliore liberty to their mm/J- injured countrymen, " nified his plea/me, lays an oélz'garz'm " on the Sulfide-ls to aét in conformity to " his decree, though perhaps they do " not {0 well apprehend the rag/0m of " the injunction," 69%. and, after citing a can yet tamely yield themfelves (0 far to the abfalute I/I'ill of any man or men on earth, as to become film! arromplirr: (like the detefiable Turkilh Mum of old) to the horrid crime of rwz'ful Mun/er, (for fuck are the ferret exem- mm of France,,) and profefl‘ed Toolr for perpetrating the molt abandoned wickednefs! To fuch a dil'graceful and flaw/1% pitch of pafiw obedience is that oncefpirited nation now reduced, that they {eem to give up all pretenfions to that fundamenml Rig/2t (f 5141mm Nature, which alone difiinguifhes mm from driller! I mean the indifpenfible R1217! ofjudgifigflr I/Jemfll-‘uer, and of yielding obedience to the impulfe of Cerf/Elma, accord ing to that natural knowledge Ofgaotl andezvz‘l which is implanted in all men, (Frmrb/bldz'err as well as others,) and of which they muft one day render a flrift account in a feparate zlzfiana'rdltate, as indz'widua/r, (which I have before remarked,) y'lrz'pt rift/Mir arm: and regimental: ! Shall we, then, adopt the Law: 1y" Frame? " quad " prim/pi plaruz':?" b}. "dience is paid to it, flat t/Je power of " z‘lrr Exaflor; who, when he has fig- It is not impofible that fuch a meafurc may lbmetirne or other he propofed by an inconfiderate hilinillerhand thata Parliament (through the- fimilar paliage from Mr. Hobbs, he adds, b 2 " For the unequal Reprf/Enm/z'm of {lag People, the want a fi't'gumt eleciz'om, and other defeéts in the confiitution, 65c.) may hereafter be led to yield their content to it; but, even if ever that {hould be the cafe, l ihall f'till entertain hopes, from the general dilpofltion of our Britl/ly Troops, (notwithlianding the alarming ci'l'eéts of flan/lug Armies in all other N .1:ions,) that they will no. ver become to detcltably hate and degenerate as to per- mit their country to groan under any l'uch iniquitous Opprefiions as are praftiled in Frailra.' Nevertitelel‘s, lliould 1/59) al/E; become fuel) ,2a-w'jly Tool: of Drying/in, as to alfill: in enforcing any fuch unconf‘titutional mealures, let them know, for acertainty, that, as foon as the Hallomzl fpz‘n't ofFrret/am (of which they at prefem participate) is, by their means, unhappily iiippreffed, even they themfelvcs mull necellatily degenerate with their countrymen, and will be no more able to [hand before their enemies, than the other wretched troops whom they have {0 often driven before them I |