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Show 418 MR. MARTIX JACOBY OX NEW SPECIES [Nov. 28, by a more or less distinct sulcus; scutellum broad, testaceous; elytra nearly parallel, minutely punctured, testaceous, each elytron with two short black stripes, one placed on the shoulders, the other near the scutellum, occupying about a fifth of the length of the elytra, near the apex at the sides is another small piceous or black spot which is sometimes obsolete or wanting; metatarsus of the posterior legs rather elongate. Hab. Peru : Prov. Huallaga, Rio Mixiollo (Baer). A sph ^era d iv is a , sp. n. (Plate XIV. fig. 9.) Fulvous, the antenna?, the breast, and the abdomen black ; head, thorax, and elytra impunctate, the last fulvous, their apical half metallic purplish-violaceous. Length 8 millim. Head with a single deep puncture and a few finer punctures near the eyes, fulvous; frontal elevations very broad and wide; clypeus acutely raised; labrum black ; elytra long and slender, black, the basal joint fulvous; thorax narrowed anteriorly, the sides gradually flattened, the anterior angles produced into a short tooth, the disc entirely impunctate, fulvous; elytra widened towards the middle, with broad reflexed margins, the anterior half fulvous, the other portion metallic violaceous or purplish, the anterior edge of this colour rounded at the sides, also extending to the epipleura?; breast, abdomen, the anterior and intermediate tibiae and tarsi and the posterior legs black, the femora of the anterior and intermediate legs fulvous ; claw-joint but slightly swollen. Hab. Marcapata, Peru. The purplish colour of the posterior portion of the elytra sometimes extends rather higher upwards than the middle; I know of no other similarly marked species of Asphcera. A sph ^e r a fu sc o fa sc ia t a , sp. 11. Head, the antenme, the underside, and legs obscure piceous; thorax yellowish white, with five obsolete fuscous spots ; elytra impunctate, pale yellowish, with four transverse fuscous bands, the first divided into two spots. Length 8-9 millim. Head impunctate, piceous, the clypeus flavous; antenna? with the lower seven joints piceous or dark fulvous (the others wanting), the third joint slightly shorter than the fourth ; thorax without a distinct flattening of the sides, but with the lateral margins thickened as well as the anterior angles which are produced forward, the surface impunctate, nearly white, the disc with five obsolete, more or less confluent fuscous spots, of which the three at the middle are better defined and placed triangularly; scutellum fuscous ; elytra entirely impunctate, of yellowish-white groundcolour, with four transverse fuscous bands, one at the base and separated into two spots, the second near the middle, the third below the latter, and the fourth at the apex, all these bands are |