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Show nearly as long as eye, the diameter of which is 3|-4^ in the length of head, interorbital width 2i - 3. Jaws equal anteriorly; maxillary extending to below anterior margin of eye or slightly beyond. 6 or 7 branchiostegals. 9-12 gill-rakers on the lower part of the anterior arch. Dorsal 111 IV 8 ; distance from origin of dorsal to base of caudal 3|-4| in the length of the fish. Anal IV V 11-14. commencing below the origin of dorsal, when laid back not reaching the caudal. Pectoral extending from less than i to i of the distance from its base to the base of ventral. Ventrals 7-rayed, originating at a point a little nearer to base of caudal than to tip of snout or equidistant from middle of pectoral and origin of anal, extending from a little less than -f to nearly f of the distance from their base to the origin of anal. Caudal slightly emarginate. Caudal peduncle l| -2 as long as deep. Olivaceous, covered with numerous irregular blackish spots; fins immaculate. Patagonia ; Tierra del Fuego ; Falkland Islands. 1. (73 ram.) type of G. cnppingeri. Alert Bay. Dr. Coppinger. 2-3 . (76 and 83 ram.) Orange Bay. Paris Mas. 4 -8. (82-93 mm.) Falkland Is. Commander Knocker. 9-11. (65-75 mm.) Falkland Is. Ii. Vallentin, Esq. 12-21. (70-120 mm.) Estero de Penco. Mons. F. Lataste. 6. GALAXIAS ALPINUS. Mesites alpinus Jenyns, Zool. ‘ Beagle,' Fish. p. 121 (1842). Galaxias alpinus Cuv. & Val. Hist. Nat. Poiss. xviii. p. 356 (1846); Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 212 (1866). Teeth in the jaws subequal, without distinct enlarged canines. Depth of body about 7 in the length, length of head 4 i-4 f. Snout shorter than eye, the diameter of which is 3-3 J in the length of head and equal to the interorbital width. Lower jaw slightly projecting ; maxillary extending to below anterior J- of eye. 6 branchiostegals. 12 gill-rakers on the lower part of the anterior arch. Dorsal III 8-9 ; distance from origin of dorsal to base of caudal 3|-3-^ in the length of the fish. Anal IV 12-13, commencing below or slightly behind the origin of dorsal, when laid back not reaching the caudal. Pectoral extending i or nearly 4 of the distance from its base to the base of ventral. Ventrals 7-rayed, originating at a point equidistant from middle or posterior part of eye and base of caudal or from middle of pectoral and origin of anal, extending of the distance from their base to the origin of anal. Caudal apparently slightly emarginate. Caudal peduncle twice as long as deep. Head and body with small blackish dots, which are especially developed to form a mid-dorsal longitudinal band. Alpine lakes of Hardy Peninsula, Tierra del Fuego. 1. (52 mm.) one of the types of the species. Cambridge Univ. Mus. Through the kindness of Dr. S. F. Harmer, F.R.S., I have been enabled to examine the types of the species, two specimens which measure 52 and 62 mm. respectively in total length, and to retain one of these for the British Museum Collection. 1905.] OF THE FAMILY GALAXIID/E. 371 |