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Show 572 MR. H. R. HOGG ON [Dec. 12, diameter from those of the second row, one of which, m us specimen, is abnormally small. They are yellow on wide j ac rings, and apparently two-thirds of their normal diameter apart, and one-eighth of their length wider than the front row. The mandibles are as long as the front of the cephalothorax, and half their' length in breadth. There are three large teeth on the inner margin of the falx-sheath and one large tooth between two smaller at irregular intervals on the outer. Text-fig. 80. Lycosa tasmanica. a, epigyne; b, eyes from front *. The lip and maxillae- are covered with rough upstanding bristly hair. The former is broader than long, slightly incurved in front and less than one-half the length of the maxillae. The sternum is a broad oval; the hair on this and the coxae, thick, but shorter and less erect. The palpi are longer than the cephalothorax, and the legs have two spines above on tibiae iii. and iv., none on tibiae i. and ii. The hair on the abdomen is coarse and thickly laid. The epigyne is arched but broader than long, the median ridge being a broad flat plate falling from above. * The measurements given for the eyesare, in all cases, in tenths of a millimetre. |