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Show 460 ON NEW SPECIES OF PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. [Nov. 28, under side and legs testaceous ; tlie extreme basal margin of t ie elytra black. Hab. Rio Janeiro. This species is principally distinguished by the narrow black base of the elytra, which extends to the shoulders and limits the fulvous band anteriorly. The colour of the antennae will further assist in the recognition of the insect. O e d io n y c h is p r o m in u l a , sp. n. (Plate XV. fig. 1.) Ovately widened posteriorly, black, the apical two joints of the antenna? fulvous ; thorax impunctate, narrowed anteriorly ; elytra finely punctured, pale fulvous, the apical third portion black. Length 6 millim. Head impunctate, with the exception of a single puncture near the eyes, black ; the eyes are very large and prominent; frontal elevations strongly raised, rather broad ; antenna? long and slender, black, the apical two joints fulvous, third joint shorter than the fourth ; thorax twice as broad as long, the lateral margins rounded, the anterior angles thickened and produced into a small tooth, the sides broadly sulcate, the sulcus connected at the base with another shallow transverse groove extending across the disc and close to the basal margin, the rest of the surface impunctate, black, very shining; scutellum black ; elytra widened towards the middle, rather broadly margined, minutely and closely punctured, the anterior two-tliirds flavous, the rest black; under side and legs black; metatarsus short, claw-joint strongly swollen ; prosternum deeply longitudinally sulcate. Hab. Peru. Distinguished by the black head, thorax, and under side, and the short and posteriorly rather widened shape of the elytra. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. P l a t e XIV. Fig. 1. Homophceta angustolineata, p. 591. 2. H. peruviana, p. 399. 3. H. argus, p. 591. 4. Asphcera albicincta, p. 409. 5. A. nitidissima, p. 415. 6. A. elegantula, p. 412. Fig. 7. Asphcera sonulata, p. 404. 8. A. tessellata, p. 416. 9. A. divisa, p. 418. 10. A. tarsata, p. 402. 11. Oedionychis duodecimnotata, p. 454. 12. O. regina, p. 444. P l a t e XV. Fig. 1. Oedionychis prominula, p. 460. 2. O. centromaculata, p. 431. 3. O. exclamationis, p. 436. 4. O. basinotata, p. 453. 5. O. semifoveolata, p. 451. 6. O. interrupto-vittata, p. 436. 7. O. arcuatofasciata, p. 431. Fig. 8. Oedionychis bisbinotata, p. 428. 9. O.flavomarginata, p. 451. 10. O. ocellata, p. 434. 11. O. illustris, p. 440. 12. O. adjuncta, p. 449. |