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Show 442 MR. MARTIN JACOBY ON NEW SPECIES [Nov. 28, distinguished. M. Clavareau, of Brussels, has sent me specimens obtained in the Province Huallaga, Peru, which again differ in having the elytral band of a golden coppery tint and fulvous head and antennae. I am, however, unable to see anything more in these differences than one of colour. O e d io n y ch is im p e r ia l is , sp. n. Pale piceous below, the head, antennae, and thorax pale fulvous ; elytra very closely and finely punctured, purplish-violaceous, the lateral and apical margins and a narrow transverse band at the middle flavous. Length 9 millim. Head flavous, impunctate; the frontal elevations broad, contiguous ; clypeus strongly raised into a triangular ridge, the anterior edge of which is very prominent; antennae pale fulvous, the third joint one-half shorter than the fourth (the terminal two joints wanting); thorax more than twice as broad as long, the lateral margins strongly rounded anteriorly, the anterior angles thickened but not dentiform, the sides broadly flattened, the surface minutely and rather closely punctured, pale flavous ; scutellum obscure fulvous; elytra widened towards the middle, convex, with narrow reflexed lateral margins, the shoulders prominent, the surface extremely closely and finely punctured throughout, purplish violaceous, a narrow straight transverse band at the middle and the lateral and apical margins (the latter slightly more widely so) flavous; under side and legs pale piceous. Hab. Yurimaguas, Peru. This species differs from 0. steinheili Jac. (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1880, p. 179) in the pale-coloured antennae, in the differently shaped anterior angles of the thorax, and in the narrow and straight, flavous band of the elytra; the larger size and colour of the elytra separate the species from other nearly similarly marked species, as well as from 0. bifasciata Ba.lv, which has also differently coloured antennae and a black apex to the posterior femora. O e d io n y ch is o c c ip it a l is , sp. n. Testaceous, the base of the head and the terminal joints of the antennae black ; thorax impunctate ; elytra microscopically punctured, testaceous, a transverse band at the base connected at the suture with another broad band below the middle, black; the breast, abdomen, and the posterior tibiae more or less piceous or black. Var. a. The elytral bands not connected at the suture. Yar. b. Elytra with a spot near the scutellum and an elongate larger spot below the middle, black. Yar. c. Elytra entirely testaceous. Length 4-5 millim. Head impunctate, black at the vertex, the lower portion testaceous, frontal elevations broad, eyes large; antennae slender, the lower four or five joints testaceous, the others piceous, third |