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Show 1 9 0 5 .] MAMMALS FROM PERSIA AND ARMENIA. 5 2 1 they represent a valid lighter-coloured Eastern subspecies, for which there appear to be several names available. " Shot close to the town of Ahwaz-their fur matches the soil in colour."-i?. B. W. 4. PlPISTRELLUS ALADDIN TllOS. Abstr. P. Z. S. No. 24, p. 23, Dec. 19, 1905. 3 . 41. Derbent, 50 mi. W. of Isfahan. 6500'. B.M. No. Type. A very small species. The minute upper premolar in the tooth-row. Size about as in P. nanus and mimus. Ears of medium size; inner margin slightly convex, outer margin with a well-markecl concavity in its middle third; antitragal notch shallow, the outer basal lobe low, buried in the fur. Tragus of medium length, rather broad, its broadest point just above its inner base; inner margin slightly concave ; outer basal lobe rounded. Wings to the base of the toe. General colour above " wood-brown," the hidden basal halves of the hairs blackish. Under surface similar, but rather lighter. Ears and wing-membranes blackish grey, the hinder edge of the wing from the tip of the fifth finger backwards prominently white, as in P. kuhlii. Skull small, delicate; much as in P. nanus. Outer upper incisors about equalling the well-marked secondary cusp of the inner. Large premolar well separated from the canine, the small premolar standing in the tooth-row, wholly visible from without. Dimensions of the type :- Forearm 31 mm. Head and body (in flesh) 41 ; tail 3 5 ; ear 10. Skull-greatest length 11‘3 ; basal length in middle line 8‘7 ; breadth of brain-case 6T ; palatal length 4; combined length of large upper premolar and two molars 2 ‘8 ; lower tooth-row from front of canine 4-2. Hab. and Type as above. This little Bat is perhaps a representative of the Indian P. mimus Wrought.*, with which it agrees in size and certain other characters. But it is much lighter in colour, the extreme tips of the dorsal hairs in that animal being alone pale brown, the rest being blackish, and the small upper premolar does not stand so well in the tooth-row, although more so than in most species of the genus. P. nanus again is a dark-coloured bat, as dark as a European Pipistrelle. 5. M yo t is m yot is om a r i , subsp. n. 3 . 42, 43. Derbent, 50 mi. W. of Isfahan. 6500'. ( $ . No. 13. Near Telespid, S.W. Persia. H. F. Witherby. Essential characters as in true myotis, the ears apparently * Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 1899, p. 722. 3 5 * |