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Show 580 MR. H. R. HOGG ON [Dec. 12, The eyes of the front row are in a straight line, the laterals half their diameter from the median, which are 1 4 that distance apart, their diameter being rather more than twice the same. The clypeus is less than their diameter by one-tliird. They are half their diameter from the eyes of the second row, whose diameter is twice that of the front median, and this is 11 times their distance apart. The mandibles are long and stout. There are three large teeth on inner margin of falx-sheath, one large between two small on the outer. The lip is as bi'oad as long, straight in front, and less than half as long as the maxilife. The abdomen is a broad oval. In the female the epigyne is of a trapezoidal outline, broadest anteriorly, where it is broader than its length. The base of the median ridge reaches g of the whole length, and is narrowest in the middle, the ridge being broader anteriorly than the base. The legs are long and stout. There are no spines above on tibise i. and ii.; two each on tibiae iii. and iv. The palpi (from ti'ochanter) are longer than the cephalothorax. Measurements in millimetres. Long. Broad. Cephalothorax 13 1 5 I 10 in front. Abdomen ..... 1 0 1 8 Mandibles..... 6 Pat. & Metat. Coxa. Tv. & fern. tib. & tars. Legs ........... 1 . 4 1 1 2 l1i2J91 1 2 411 2 . 1 1 1 1 1 i i i = 38| 3. H 1 0 1 1 1 ~ 13 3 8 f 4. 4 f 1 2 ~ 134 161 = 46| (1 1& 4 4 ) Palpi............... LO 6 ^ H = roO|MO One female, without locality or collector. L ycosa b ic o lo r , sp. nov. (Text-fig. 85.) Cephalothorax bright yellow-brown (buff) all over, no side or median streaks. Mandibles, with hair of the same buff colour, dark brown underneath : fangs dark red-brown. Lip and maxillae dark olive-brown with dark brown hair. Coxa? dark olive-brown. Sternum black-brown. Abdomen rich chocolate-brown on upper and under sides, with a bright buff field on upper side anteriorly, reaching to the middle of the back where it ends in a point. It is half as broad as long in the female, but in the male, which is young, a narrow stripe only. Legs deep chocolate-brown from coxa; to near the anterior end of the patella, which is buff. Tibia, tarsus, and metatarsus buff |