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Show 414 MR. MARTIN JACOBY ON NEW SPECIES [Nov. 28, sutural and an equally narrow discoidal longitudinal band, ferrugineous. Length 6 millim. Head impunctate or with a few fine punctures ; eyes large, the diameter of each as wide as the intermediate space, frontal elevations subquadrate, carina short and blunt; antennae scarcely extending to the middle of the elytra, pale fulvous, basal joint robust and elongate, third joint slightly shorter than fourth, terminal joints shorter than the intermediate ones ; thorax short, the sides broadly sulcate, anterior angles with a short tooth, the disc impunctate, with an obsolete transverse sulcus near the base ; elytra nearly parallel, somewhat flattened, finely and closely punctured, testaceous, the suture very narrowly ferrugineous; a similar, slightly and inwardly curved band extends from the shoulders to near the apex; metatarsus as long as the following two joints together, claw-joint strongly swollen; prosternum 1 inear. Hab. Bolivia. The elytral dark bands are very narrow and of equal width and the discoidal one is of slightly curved shape. The species, on account of the distinctly elongate metatarsus of the posterior legs, cannot be mistaken for a similarly coloured species of Oedionychis. Elytra otherwise marked. A sph /Er a l a c e r a t a , sp. n. Elongate and parallel, black ; thorax dark fulvous, impunctate, the anterior angles produced and blunt; elytra finely rugose anteriorly, impunctate, black, a round patch at the base, a small one at the shoulders, a transverse subdivided patch at the middle, and another at the apex, testaceous. Length 9 millim. Head black, impunctate, the frontal elevations broad and flat; clypeus in shape of a strongly raised triangular ridge ; eyes widely separated; antennae black, long, the third and following joints equal; thorax transversely subquadrate, convex, of equal width, the lateral margins nearly straight, accompanied by very deep and narrow sulci, the anterior angles blunt and produced forwards, the disc impuncate, dark fulvous; scutellum black; elytra with narrow but deeply reflexed lateral margins, furnished with fine rugosities anteriorly but without punctuation, each elytron with four testaceous or pale flavous patches, which are separated by narrow transverse black bands before and below the middle, at the latter place the band sends off a spur towards the suture, thereby subdividing the px eceding flavous portion ; all the margins of the elytra as well as a humeral stripe and the epipleurae are likewise black; of the same colour are the under side and the legs. Hab. Peru. I have only a single specimen of this somewhat peculiar species before me; whether the fine elytral rugosities to be seen at the |