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Show 14. V a r a n u s n ilo t ic u s L. Ngoye Hills, Sibudeni, Jususie Valley. 15. N ucras t e s s e l l a t a A. Smith. Klipfontein. 16. N ucras d e l a l a n d i i M.-Edw. Sibudeni. 17. I chnotropis c apen sis A. Smith. Umfolosi Station. The parietal shields sometimes form a short suture separating the interparietal from the occipital. The scales on the preanal region are much smaller in females than in males. 18. S c a p t ir a k n o x i i M.-Edw. Port Nolloth. 1 9 . S c a p t ir a c ten o d a c t y la A . Sm ith . Port Nolloth. The femoral pores may number as many as 36 on each side. 20. M a b u ia t r iv it t a t a C u v . Wakkerstroom. 21. M a b u ia v a r ia Peters. Klipfontein, Umfolosi Station. 22. M a b u ia s tr ia t a Peters. Hluhluwe Stream, Umfolosi Station, Sibudeni, Ngoye Hills, Zuurbron, Wakkerstroom. 23. M a b u ia su lc a t a Petei's. Klipfontein. 24. S celotes b ip e s L. Durban Road. 25. A contias l in e a tu s Peters. Port Nolloth, Klipfontein. R h i p t o g l o s s a . 26. C i iam .eleon q u il e n s is Bocage. Jususie Valley. 27. C h am e l e o n v e n t r a l is Gray. Port Nolloth. 254 MR. G. A. BOULENGER ON SOUTH-AFRICAN [June 6, |