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Show 108 MR. K. ANDERSEN ON BATS [May 16, vertical grooves on the front of the lower lip. In the eastern races of ferrum-equinum (nippon, tragatus, r eg ulus) sometimes exactly the same, but very often the lateral grooves are more or less reduced; in the western races (proximus, typicus, obscurus) they have, as a rule, almost or quite disappeared *. As to the general size, the eastern races are, as it seems, always larger than any form of affinis; proximus and typicus at least^ on an average so; while obscurus is nearly of the same size as affinis himalayanus. The remaining external characters need only a brief record :- The supplementary leaflet is slightly more reduced than in affinis, and more closely united to the upper lip ; this latter it is (more than the reduction) which makes it less distinctly visible. The posterior connecting process is more lengthened in anteroposterior direction, also a little more projecting, but quite rounded off at the summit. But, curiously enough, in one specimen (from Transcaspia) I find the process quite as in affinis (in all other specimens from W. Asia it is normal). The lancet has a marked tendency towards assuming a hastate shape, rather than a cuneate, the extreme tip being, generally, long and slender; but sometimes, and both in the eastern and western races (though more often in the former), individuals are found in which the lancet is almost cuneate, as in affinis.-These two individual variations are worth noticing, as, both of them, pointing back to affinis. The ears are somewhat modified: more attenuated below the tip, and more pointed. The plagiopatagium is inserted on the tarsus, on the base of the metatarsus, or about 1 mm. above the ankle-joint. But in one individual (from Cyprus) it is inserted no less than 6 mm. in front of the ankle-joint. It, again, recalls Rh. ajffinis. Colour. A small series of skins from Tessin, Switzerland, affords some information as to the difference in colour dependent on the age of the individuals ; all the specimens are of the same sex, from the same locality, and the same month :- (1) Two full-grown, but younger individuals (females, December); distal epiphyses of metacarpals ossified, but teeth unworn; they are probably about six months old:-Upper side * According to Blanford (J. A. S. B. lvii. pt. ii. 110. 3 (1888) p. 263), 1ih. tragatus Hodgs., regarded by him as a distinct species, and corresponding to what is here called the eastern races of ferrum-equinum, has three mental grooves,ferrum-equinum one only. I f this were so, I should have no objection to separating lih. tragatus specifically from ferrum-equinum. But there is, in this as in other respects, a complete intergradation. The details are these:- (1) " Rh. tragatus" (10 spirit-specimens): in three individuals (Kashmir, Almora, Darjeeling) the three grooves are perfectly distinct; in three (Masuri, Nepal) the lateral grooves are less distinct than the central one; in two (Nepal) they are so far on the way towards obliteration that it requires close examination to discover them; in the two remaining (Shanghai) they are still more reduced. (2) Rh. ferrum-equinum (s. str.): rather often traces of the lateral grooves are easily observable; a number of individuals before me, from various places in Europe and VV. Asia, have either a slight depression or a short linear groove on either side of the central one; in a specimen from Tubingen (one instance only, among several) they arc at least not more obliterated than in two " tragatus" from Nepal and two " nippon " from Shanghai. |