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Show 3 The annual supply of Tickets will be sent to each Fellow en the 1st of January in every year, upon filling up and returning the form of Standing Order supplied to Fellows. Every F e l l o w is entitled to receive annually 60 undated Green Cards, and, when no specific instructions are received, the supply will be sent in this form. If preferred, however, 20 Green Cards may be exchanged for a book containing 2 Orders for each Saturday* throughout the year. A similar book of Sunday Orders may also be obtained in lieu of 20 Green Cards. A Green Card may also be exchanged for 2 Buff Cards for the use of Children under 12 years of age. It is particularly requested that Fellows will sign ever)/ Ticket before it goes out of their possession. Unsigned Tickets are not available. Green and Buff Tickets may be used on any day and in any year, but in no case can two Children be admitted with one Adult Ticket, or an Adult admitted with two Children's Tickets. F e l l o w s are not allowed to pass in friends on their written Order or on presentation of their Visiting Cards. F e l l o w s are exempt from payment of the fee for Painting, Sketching, and Photographing in the Society's Gardens. F e l l o w s have the privilege of receiving the Society's ordinary Publications issued during the year upon payment of the additional Subscription of One Guinea. This Subscription is due upon the 1st of January, and must be paid before the day of the Anniversary Meeting, after which the privilege lapses. F e l l o w s are likewise entitled to purchase these Publications at 2o per cent, less than the price charged to the public. A further reduction of 25 per cent, is also made upon all purchases of Publications issued prior to 1881, if above the value of Five Pounds. F e l l o w s also have the privilege of subscribing to the Annual Volume of ‘ The Zoological llecord,' which gives a list of the Works and Publications relating to Zoology in each year, for the sum of One Pound Ten Shillings. Separate divisions of the volume can also be supplied. Full particulars of these publications can be had on application to the Secretary. * The Saturday Orders are not available if the Fellow introduces friends personally on that clay. |