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Show 448 MR. MARTIN JACOBY ON NEW SPECIES [Nov. 28, flavous portion separating both bands is slightly widened at the suture, the extreme lateral margins and a small triangular space at the apex are of the ground-colour; the under side and legs are dark fulvous or piceous, and the posterior femora have the apex broadly stained with blackish. 0. steinheili Jac. is a much broader insect with a differently shaped thorax. Hab. Amazons. O ed io n y ch is f u l v o t ib ia l is , sp. n . Obscure piceous below, the clypeus, antennae, and the tibiae more or less fulvous ; thorax flavous, impunctate ; elytra closely and finely punctured, metallic greenish, the lateral margins and a narrow transverse band at the middle flavous. Length 5^ millim. Head at the vertex and the frontal elevations greenish, impunctate, a narrow space round the eyes and the clypeus and labrum flavous, frontal elevations subquadrate ; eyes large, with a rather deep, punctured sulcus near the inner margins; carina short and blunt; antennae fulvous, the third joint slightly shorter than the fourth ; thorax strongly transverse, the lateral margins straight at the base, rounded in front, the sides deeply flattened, anterior angles not prominent but thickened, the disc impunctate, flavous ; scutellum black ; elytra slightly widened at the middle, very finely punctured except within the shoulders, where there is a short row of deeper punctures, the lateral margins and a narrow transverse band at the middle flavous, rest of the surface metallic dark green, this colour forming two subquadrate patches on each elytron which extend across the suture; below* and the legs piceous, the apex of the posterior femora and the tibiae and tarsi more or less fulvous ; the metatarsus very short. Hab. Bolivia. A rather small species, and at once distinguished by the colour of the antennae and tibife. Elytra with longitudinal bands. • O e d io n y ch is v it t a t ip e n n is , sp. n. Broad and elongate, flavous; apical joints of the antennae black ; thorax strongly transverse, impunctate ; elytra very finely and extremely closely punctured, flavous, the suture, a subsutural and a submarginal longitudinal stripe, connected at the apex, ferrugineous. Length 10 millim. Head impunctate, flavous, eyes large, frontal elevations strongly raised, trigonate; antennae filiform and slender, black, the lower three or four joints testaceous, third and fourth joints equal; thorax twice as broad as long, the sides rounded, broadly flattened, the anterior angles produced into a small tooth, the surface impunctate, flavous ; elytra with very close and fine but distinct punctuation, the suture very narrowly and two longitudinal broader stripes, of which one is placed near the suture, |