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Show 350 MR. OLDFIELD THOMAS OX [Nov. 28, Type. Female. B.M. No. Original no. 117. Collected 15 November, 1904. Of the large series of M. speciosus from Hondo, enumerated just previously, only one has a hind foot as much as 25'5 mm. in length, the majority of the adults ranging from 23 to 25. And of those from Shikoku and Kiushiu one only has 25\5, and one 26. On the other hand, the four from Hokkaido are all measured as 26 or over, and in addition their skulls are rather more elongate, especially in the muzzle, than those of the more southern form. Under these circumstances, in view of the general difference between the faunas of Hondo and Hokkaido, I have thought it advisable to give the form from the latter island a special subspecific name, like as it is to its ally in all other respects. 31. M icrom ys g e ish a Thos. Ann. Mag. N. H. (7) xv. p. 491 (1905). cf . 32, 35. 5 . 31. Makado, N. Hondo, cf . 50, 57, 58, 64, 67, 68. $ . 69, 70, 71, 72. Tsunagi, Iwah Ken, N. Hondo. $ . 1, 2, 4. Takayu, Uzeu, Hondo. cf. 166, 169, 178, 179. $ . 167, 170, 171. Tajima, Izu, S.E. Hondo. cf. 140, 147, 155. £ . 148, 149, 158, 163. Nakoma, Izu, S.E. Hondo. c f . 268, 292, 309. $ . 273, 299, 300, 301. Jinrio, Tokushima Ken, Shikoku. 500'. cf. 351, 363, 364, 365, 366. $ . 352, 354, 362,368. Ochi, Kochi Ken, Shikoku. 1500'-2100'. cf . 381. 5 . 372. Kuma, Eliime Ken, Shikoku, c f. 394,401,416. 5 . 409,410,417. Takamori, Kumamoto Ken, Kiushiu. 1800'. cf . 453. $ . 451, 454. Kawachi, Miyasaki Ken, Kiushiu. 1500'. Two specimens of this pretty little species were obtained by Mr. H. Pryer in the Yokohama region in 1888, but it was only when Mr. Gordon Smith's collection was being worked out that it was recognised as new. It would appear to be generally distributed over Hondo, Shikoku, and Kiushiu, and is represented in Hokkaido by a sliort-eared subspecies. Its mammary formula, as previously stated with doubt, is 2-2 = 8. The following are the flesh measurements (in mm.) of a pair from the Izu peninsula :- cf . Head and body 94 ; tail 99 ; hind foot 20 ; ear 14. 9 94 • 9 4 • 18• 14 32. M icrom ys g e ish a h o k k a id i , subsp. n. <J. 100, 110, 111, 112, 118. $ . 109, 119, 120. Aoyama, H okkaido. |