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Show 362 ON MAMMALS FROM JAPAN. [Nov. 28, 5. M icromys speciosus Temm. <5. 556. 2 • 545. Miyanoura, Yakushima. Sea-level to 400 . These specimens are rather more heavily blackened on the back than average mainland examples. 6. M icromys g e ish a y a k u i , subsp. n. > d1. 549, 551, 552. ? . 548, 550. Mountains of Central Yakushima. 3500'. Size and length of tail about as in typical geisha, but the feet unusually long and heavy. Colour rather darker and fur longer (hairs of back 7-8 mm.). Dimensions (in mm.) of three specimens, taken in the flesh :- c? ....... Head and body 88; tail 101 ; hind foot 21 ; ear 15. 2 (Type) „ „ 86; „ 96; „ 20‘5; „ 14. $ ....... „ „ 84; „ 96; „ 20 ; „ 13-5. Skull of type-greatest length 25 ; length of upper molar series 4. Type. Female. B.M. No. Original number 548. Collected 7 June, 1905. The long and rather dark fur of the Yakushima geisha is probably due to the extreme dampness of the island, where the rain is heavy and continuous. These Mice were obtained during a trip Mr. Anderson made up to the mountainous centre of the island, part of the way down into the basin which succeeds the highest ridge to be seen from the sea. They appeared to be abundant in the forest. 7. C ervus s ik a Temm. S . Owston Coll. No. 1. Yakushima. III. T a n e g a s h im a . " Tanegashima lies between Yakushima and the mainland of Kiushiu, from which it is distant about 20 miles. It is comparatively flat, the highest ridge attaining about 1200 feet. It is cultivated except on the central hills, which are covered partly with forest, partly with grass. " Monkeys, weasels, deer, and boars were reported to us by the natives. No hares exist here."-M. P. A. Mr. Anderson only succeeded in obtaining examples of the two usual species of Micromys. A weasel from Tanegashima is in the Owston Collection. 1. P utorius it a t s i Temm. $ . Owston Coll. No. 1. Tanegashima. 2. M icromys speciosus Temm. 3 . 522, 524. $ . 523, 525. Northern Tanegashima. Sea-level. |