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Show vii. p. 351) as T. teter from Natal. From so few examples it is impossible to say whether these two pertain to one or two species , or what is the sex of the specimen with transverse thorax, which is also more shining- and has shorter antennae. I incline to the belief that they represent two species, the latter being referable to C. nigrina Bohem. C l e r i d je . E u c ym a to d er a Sclienkling. EucymatoderaSchenkling, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 1899, p. 333; Genera Ins. fasc. xiii. p. 19 (1903). E u c ym a to d er a c in g u l a t a Klug, Cler. p. 273 (Tilltts cingulatus). Hab. Algoa Bay. E u c ym a to d er a h o tten to ta Knw. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. p. 463 (1893); Schenk. I. c. p. 20. Ilab. Willowmore, Cape Colony (Brauns). C y l id r u s Lat. CyMdrus Schenk. Genera Ins. fasc. xiii. p. 5. C y l id r u s b a l t e a tu s Klug, Cler. p. 263. Hab. Bothaville, Orange R. State (Brauns). I had not seen this from S. Africa before. G y p o n y x Gorham. Gyponyx Gorham, Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. 1883, p. 604; Schenk. I. c. p. 45. G y p o n y x ch in e n s is Fab. Gyponyx marmoratus Klug, Cler. p. 308 (Clerics), nota p. 379. Hab. Bothaville, Orange R. State (Brauns). G y p o n y x retro cinctu s Clievr. Rev. Mag. Zool. p. 283 (1874). Hab. Sunday River, Cape Colony (Brauns). G y p o n y x alg o e n s is , sp. n. Oblongus, subparallelus, piceo-brunneus, nitidus; elytris basi dilutioribus, ultra medium fascia undulata et apice albis. Oapite crebre prothorace parce punctatis, hoc pernitido, antice tenuiter constricto, postice coarctato ; antennis et palpis rufo-piceis ; elytris usque ad fasciam grosse seriatim punctatis, inde ad apicem fere Icevibus; pedibus piceis, tar sis dilutioribus, metasterno punctato. Long. 11-14 millim. Hab. Algoa Bay (II. Brauns). The general colour of this species is dark pitchy brown, the antennae, palpi, tarsi, and the base of the elytra nearly as far as tlie white fascia are rufo-piceous, the elytra are blackish in an 272 r e v . H. s. g o r h a m o n [June 6 , |