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Show 536 ON COLOUR-VARIATION IN GONIOCTENA VARIABILIS. [Dec.12, T a b l e V. -Collection made 3 miles north of Malaga. Y a on April 3 and 5. Y b on April 28. Y a. Y b. Males. Females. Males. Females. Description. Collected. Per cent. Collected. Per cent. Collected. Per cent. Collected. Per cent. A. Dark undersides. Plain red .......................................... 1 Red, spotted (Bateson's figs. 1,2, 3)... 166 114 17 15 Red, spotted and striped (B., figs. 7,8) 19 27 2 8 Red, melanic (B., figs 9, 10, 11) ...... 2 Total dark .................. 186 58 143 72-5 19 48 23 49 B. Intermediate undersides. Red, spotted and striped (Bateson's figs. 7, 19, 30) 16 5 2 1 C . Light undersides. Red, spotted and striped (Bateson's figs. 7, 19, 30) 18 2 5 Red, striped (B., figs. 20, 21) .......... 3 Green, spotted and striped (Bateson's figs. 27, 28) 9 1 i Green, striped (B., figs. 22, 23) ...... 89 50 12 12 Plain green ...................................... 1 1 7 12 Total ligh t.................. T o t a l .............. 120 37 52 26-5 21 52 24 51 322 100 197 100 40 100 47 100 T a b le YI.-Collection made in river-bed, 2 miles above Malaga. V I a on April 6. Y I b on April 26. VI a. VI b. Description. Males. Females. Males. Females. Collected. Per cent. Collected. Per cent. Collected. Per cent. Collected. Per cent. ; Red, spotted, dark .............................. Red, spotted and striped, dark .......... 16 29 6 11 2 68 s Total dark .................. 16 64 35 90 13 56 14 45 Red, spotted and striped, intermediate 2 8 1 4 1 3 Green, striped, light .......................... 7 28 4 10 5 23 7 23 Plain green, light .............................. .... .. 4 17 9 29 Total light.................. 7 28 4 10 9 40 16 52 Total .............. 25 100 39 100 23 100 31 100 |