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Show 26 MR. F. E. BEDDARD OX THE [May 2, both sides, in fact nearly to the diaphragm. In Cynictis levaillanti and Arctictis binturong, which 1 examined foi piuposes of comparison, the conditions are a little different. In the oi mei the fold of peritoneum in question runs over the kidney ins eaf of avoiding it, and ends on the parietes a little way in iiont an outside of that gland. In the Binturong the mesoarium on t e right side extends nearly up to the diaphragm, passing o\ei tie Text-fig. 10. D Pancreas and adjacent region in Galictis barbara. Lettering as in text-fig. 9. kidney and being naturally attached to it on its passage. On the left side, this fold of peritoneum actually reaches the diaphragm, passing also over the kidney of its side. I will not assert at present that there are here characters which serve to differentiate the Arctoid from the ./Eluroid Carnivora, but they do as a matter of fact differentiate certain ^Eluroids from certain Arctoids. |