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Show L I ST OF P LAT E S . 1905.-VOL. II. PART II. Plate Png® VIII. White-maned Serow (Nemorhcedm argyrocJicetes)........................ 32!) IX. Mustela melampus bedfordi................... ........................................... 331 X. 1. Galaxias affinis. 2, G.huttoni. 3. G.punctifer. 4. G.lynx. XI. 1. Galaxias weedoni. 2. G. wait'd. 3. G. olid us. 4. G.occi-dentalis .............................................................................................. ^-363 X II. 1. Galaxias attenuatus. 2. G. coxii ........................................» .. i X III. 1. Galaxias auratus. 2. G. attenuatus. 3. G. findlayi. 4. G. truttaceus.................................................................................) XIV 1 n ^ y " [ ^ ew species of Bladder-clawed Halticidee...................................... 398 XVI. Calo»tysciis bailwardi ........................................................................ 519 XVII. Figs. 1-5. Ptychognathus pusillus. Fig. 6 . P. barbatus........... 'j XVIII. Figs. 7-15. Paleemon (Eupalcemon) lar, yar. Figs. 16-19. ^ 537 P. (Eupalcemon) lar ........................................................................) XIX. i Oribdtida ................................................................................. 564 X X. I NOTICE. The ‘ Proceedings' for the year are issued in fo u r parts, forming two volumes, as follows:- VOL. I. Part I. containing papers read in January and February, in June. II. „ „ „ March and April, in August. VOL. II. t Part I. containing papers it ad in May and June, in October. II. „ „ „ November and December, in April. * Proceedings,' 1905, Vol. II. Part I. was published on October 17th, 1905. The Abstracts of the papers read at the Scientific Meetings in November and December are contained in this Part. |