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Show 1905.] OF THE GENUS RHINOLOPHUS. 143 regarded as a large and a small variety of one species. In 1808, Montagu pointed out some of their distinctive characters, and proposed for the smaller species the name Vespertilio minutus, being evidently unaware that the two Bats had already twice been specifically separated-by Beclistein in 1800, and by Hermann in 1804. Montagu's name, as being antedated by " hipposiderus was soon almost completely forgotten (it is not recorded in Dobson's Catalogue). The original description of V. minutus being, however, based on English specimens, the name is now available for the British race of hipposiderus. Remarks. We are now able to form a much clearer idea of the past history of Rh. hipposiderus. It originated from a Bat allied to Rh. minor, somewhere in Asia, most probably near the western border of (if not within) what is now called the Oriental Region. From there it spread soutliwestwards into Africa, westwards through the Mediterranean countries to Central Europe and the British Islands. There is, to my knowledge, no record of Rh. hipposiderus from Egypt; if this is evidence that it does not occur, and has not occurred, there, it is at the same time a Measurements o/' Rh. midas and hipposiderus. Hh. midas. Rh. hipposiderus. $ ad. Type. minimus. 32 specimens, 12 skulls. f. typica. 33 specimens, 6 skulls. minutus. 30 specimens, 2 skulls. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. mm. mm. min. mm. mm. 111111. mm. Ears, length.............................................. 17 14 16 15 165 14'2 15'5 „ greatest breadth ........................ 13 10 12 11-3 12-8 111 11-8 Nose-leaves, total length .................... 12'8 106 12 11-2 12-9 10 11-8 „ breadth of horse-shoe ... 7'3 6 6'8 6'5 7 6 67 Forearm .................................................. 377 34-7 38 39 41-7 36-3 39 3rd metacarpal .................................... 24'2 22-2 25-7 24-8 27'3 22'8 24-9 III.1 ........................................................... 11-8 11 12-8 127 14-2 11-6 13-2 III.2 ........................................................... 18'8 15-7 19 177 19'7 16-3 187 4th metacarpal ..................................... 27 25 29-2 28 30-2 25'7 29'1 IV.i ........................................................... 71 5*8 7'8 7 8 67 8 i V.- ........................................................... 12 109 132 12 14-1 11-7 13-2 5th metacarpal ..................................... 25-8 23-5 27-7 27-2 29'7 247 28'2 V . ' ............................................................... 8‘9 7'9 9-2 9'1 10-5 7-2 9'8 V.2 ............................................................... 122 11-2 13-8 12-8 14'3 12-5 143 Tail 245 235 277 262 30'3 23-5 27 Lower leg.................................................. 16'2 16 17-8 17-8 19-9 16-3 18-5 Foot ........................................................... 7-6 7'2 7'8 75 8-5 7-5 87 Skull, total length ................................. 15'9 145 15'5 16 16-2 16 16 „ mastoid width ............................ 74 7'2 7-7 7'7 7'8 7'8 7'8 „ width of brain-case.................... 6 4 6-1 6'5 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 „ zygomatic width ........................ 7-6 7'2 7'9 7'8 8 8 8 „ maxillar width............................. 5‘8 5-2 5-3 5‘3 5'5 5-6 57 ,, supraorbital length .................... 4'5 4 4'5 42 o 4-3 4-4 „ width of nasal swellings........... 4-2 3'7 3-8 3 9 4 4 4 Mandible, length..................................... 10-8 95 10 10 10-2 10-2 5-8 5-2 5-4 54 57 57 5 7 62 5'6 5'8 5'8 6 5'9 6 |