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Show 522 MR. OLDFIELD THOMAS OK [Dec. 12, nearly or quite as long as usual, not shortened as in the N. Indian blythi. But the colour is very different, being that characteristic of specimens from desert-regions. General colour above uniform pale " wood-brown," the basal halves of the hairs smoky brown, succeeded by a broad ring of glossy whitish sandy and a fine pale brown point. Under surface broadly washed with " cream-buff." Membranes and ears also much paler brown than in myotis. Teeth rather smaller than those of true myotis, larger than those of blythi. Measurements of the type :- Forearm 60 mm. Head and body (in flesh) 75; tail 61; ear 26. Skull-greatest length 22-2 ; breadth of brain-case 9-9 ; upper tooth-row from front of canine 9-5 ; front of lower canine to back of m3 1 0 '1 . Hab. Persia ; type from Derbend. Alt. 6500'. Type. Adult male. B.M. No. Original number 42. Collected 14 May, 1905. It is quite natural to find a desert-coloured form of the common M. myotis inhabiting Persia. Mr. Witherby's specimen is very similar to the two presented by Col. Bailward. Mr. Miller has shown* that the Indian VespertUio blythi Tomes is definably different from the European M. myotis, to which Dobson had assigned it. I may further note that Dobson's V. africanus t is clearly the same as M. blythi, the collection from which the type came having been wrongly labelled as from the Gaboon, when it really was from 1ST. India. Dobson's mistake was therefore quite excusable. 6. Neomys fo d ie n s Schr. <$ . 53. 25 miles N. of Erzeroum. 7000'. " Caught by a brook in the mountains. Was swimming and diving with two others."-R. B. JT. 7. E r in a c e u s europ^eus L. 56. $ . Tortoum R., N. of Erzeroum. 4000'. Probably belonging to the form recognised by Barrett-Hamilton as E. e. concolor Mart. 8. Canis a u r eu s L. c? . 12. Shus, near Dizful, Arabistan. 9. V u lp e s vu lp e s fla v e s c e n s Gray. c?. 7. Bunde Kil, Karun R. 250'. 10. P u to r iu s n iv a lis L. c?. 61. Baibort. 7000'. # P. Biol. Soc. Wash. xiii. p. 155 (1900). t Cat. Chir. B.M. p. 310. |