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Show 370 MR. C. TATE REGAN ON THE FISIIES [Nov. 28, reaching tlie vertical from the anterior margin of tlie eye), and in having the dorsal and anal opposite one another and the caudal emarginate. It appears to differ in the deeper body (depth 4|- in the total length) and the fewer fin-rays (Dorsal 9, Anal 12). It is described from a specimen of 140 mm. from a marsh near St. Kilda, Victoria. 4. G a la x i a s g r a c i l l im u s . Mesites gracillimus Canestrini, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fisiol. iii. 18(34, p. 100, pi. iv. fig. 2. Galaxias gracillimus Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 213 (1866). Galaxias maculatus (non Jenyns) Smitt, Bih. Svenska Ak. xxvi. iv. No. 13. p. 21, pi. ii. figs. 5-8 (1901). Teeth apparently as in G. attenuatus. Depth of body 10-12 in the length, length of head 7-7J. Snout a little shorter than eye, the diameter of which is 3|-3| in the length of head and less than the interorbital width. Jaws equal anteriorly; maxillary extending nearly to the vertical from the anterior margin of eye. 5 or 6 branchiostegals. 9 or 10 gill-rakers on the lower part of the anterior arch. Dorsal 11-12 (III-IV 8 -9 ); distance from origin of dorsal to base of caudal about 3f in the length of the fish. Anal 16-17 (III-IV 13-14), commencing below the origin of dorsal, when laid back not extending to the caudal. Pectoral extending about of the distance from its base to the base of ventral. Ventrals 7-rayed, originating at a point nearer to tip of snout than to base of caudal, and nearer to origin of anal than to base of pectoral, extending about y of the distance from their base to the origin of anal. Caudal slightly emarginate. Caudal peduncle 2i as long as deep. Some small blackish spots on the head and on the upper part of the body ; a line of black dots along the middle of the side and one at the base of each of the unpaired fins. Chile; Falkland Is. 1-4. (53-55 mm.) Falkland Is. R. Yallentin, Esq. Possibly this species may be based on a larval form of G. attenuatus, but if so it is remarkable that it has been recorded only from South America and that larval forms of other species have not been described. 5. G a la x i a s m a c u la tu s . Mesites maculatus Jenyns, Zool. ‘ Beagle,' Fish. p. 119. pi. xxii. fig. 4 (1842). Galaxias maculatus Cuv. & Val. Hist. Nat. Poiss. xviii. p. 355 (1846); Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 212 (1866). Galaxias punctulatus Philippi, Arch. f. Nat. 1858, vol. xxiv. i. p. 310. Galaxias coppingeri Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1881, p. 21. Galaxias alpinus (non Jenyns) Smitt, Bih. Svenska Ak. xxiv. iv. No. 5, p. 56, pi. v. fig. 40 (1899). Teeth in the jaws subequal, without distinct enlarged canines. Depth of body 6-8 in the length, length of head 4|-5^. Snout |