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Show 574 MR. H. R. HOGG ON [Dec. 12, three large teeth on the inner edge of the falx-sheath, and a thick fringe on the outer, which hides the teeth if any. The lip is broader than long, slightly hollowed and bevelled in front, constricted at base, and reaches to less than half the height of the maxillae through beginning below them. The epigyne is longer than broad and narrowest anteriorly. There are two spines above on tibiae iii. and iv., none on tibiae i. and ii. The metatarsus of the fourth pair of legs is shorter than the patella cum tibia of same. Text-fig. 81. 20 d Lycosa 'phyllis. a, eyes from front; b, epigyne; c, upper, and d, lower sides of abdomen. Measurements in millimetres. Long. Broad. Cephalothorax ... 11 1 5 I 7 7 in front. Abdomen ........... 12 Mandibles........... H Pat. & Metat. Coxa. Tr . & fern. tib. & tars. Legs ........... 1 . 2 n 9 81 2. 3 8i 8| 3. 3 8 8 9 ' 4 . Si2 10 10 13 (84 & 4; Palpi................... 2 u 4 3 |