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Show 404 MR. MARTIN JACOBY ON NEW SPECIES [Nov. 28, Length 6 millim. Head impunctate, black ; eyes distant, frontal elevations oblique, rather broad ; clypeus very narrow, strongly thickened, carina very convex; antennae long and slender, fulvous, third and following joints slender, equal or nearly so ; thorax about twice as broad as long, the lateral margins feebly rounded, the anterior angles bluntly produced, the lateral sulci deep and broad, the surface impunctate, pale flavous ; scutellum triangular, black ; elytra with narrow but strongly reflexed lateral margins, yellowish-white, with two transverse blue bands not extending to the lateral margins, the first extending to about one-third of the length of the elytra, with its posterior edge nearly straight, the second band below the middle, of only half the width and of obliquely downward direction ; breast and legs black, abdomen testaceous ; metatarsus elongate, claw-joint very moderately swollen. Hab. Carillo, Costa Rica. The black head, fulvous antennae, and the shape of the elytral bands principally distinguish this Asphcera; the elytra have the basal portion rather distinctly raised, but the intrahumeral depression is but moderately deep. I have three exactly similar specimens before me. From A. nigrofasciata Jac., likewise from Costa Rica, the present species may be separated by the fulvous colour of the antennae, the blue, not black, elytral bands, the much more narrow, reflexed maigins of the elytra, and the rather smaller genera] size and more widened shape. A sph *e r a zo n u l a t a , sp. n . (Plate X I Y . fig. 7.) Black below, antennae and legs more or less piceous, above flavous ; thorax impunctate, the anterior angles produced; elytra very finely punctured, with four metallic green transverse bands, much widened towards the suture, which is likewise metallic green. Length 7 millim. Of medially widened shape ; the head more or less piceous at the vertex, the lower portion fulvous ; eyes moderately large, with a few punctures near their inner margins; clypeus in shape of a transverse ridge ; antennae nearly black, the third joint smaller than the fourth ; thorax with strongly rounded lateral margins, the anterior angles produced into a small tooth, the sides broadly and deeply sulcate, the surface impunctate, flavous, obsoletely transversely grooved near the base ; scutellum black; elytra convex, broadly margined, widest at the middle, very finely punctured throughout, flavous, with four bright green metallic bands, not extending to the margins-of these, the one at the base is the widest and has its posterior margin obliquely rounded, it extends as far as the shoulders, the second band at the middle is connected with the first along the suture by a rather broad stripe of greeu, its ends are greatly narrowed, the third band below the middle is of similar shape, but the fourth near the apex is of a shorter, and |