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Show 20 The next Meeting of the Society for Scientific Business wi be held on Tuesday, the 12th December, 1905, at half-past Eig i o'clock p.m., when the following communications will be made . 1. Dr. J. E. D uerden.-On the Habits and Reactions of Crabs bearing Actinians in their Claws. (Illustrated by lantern-slides.) 2. Capt. F. W a l l, C.M.Z.S.-Notes on a Collection of Snakes from Japan and the Loo Choo Islands. 3. Mr. H . R. H ogg, F.Z.S.-On some Spiders of the Family Lycosidce from South Australia. 4. Mr. Oldfield T iiomas, F.R.S.-On a Collection of Mammals from Persia and Armenia presented to the British Museum by Col. A. C. Bailward. The following papers have been received :- 1. Mr. B a sh fo r d D e a n .- Notes on the Living Specimens of the Australian Lung-fish (Ceratodus forsteri) in the Zoological Society's Collection. 2. Dr. A l f r e d D u g e s .-Description d'un Opliidien nouveau du Mexique (Morenoa orizabensis, gen. et sp. nn.). 3. Mr. L. D o n c ast er , F.Z.S.-On the Colour-variation of the Beetle Gonioctena variabilis. 4 . Mr. P e r c y I. L a t h y , F.Z.S.-On Three new Forms of Butterfly of the Genus Heliconius. 5. Mr. F r a n k E. B e d d a r d , F.R.S.-On a new Species of Pontodrilus from the Shores of the Red Sea. 6. Mr. F r a n k E. B e d d a r d , F.R.S.-On an Enchytracid Worm {Henlea lefroyi, sp. n.) from India, destructive to the Eggs of a Locust (Acridium sp.). 7. Dr. J. G. de M a n .-On Species of Crustaceans of the Genera Ptychognathus Stimps. and Palcemon Fabr., from Christmas Island. 8. Mr. W . S torrs Fox, F.Z.S.-On Bones of the Lynx from Cales Dale, Derbyshire. 9. Mr. R. S t a p l e s -B row n e , F.Z.S.-Note on Heredity in Pigeons. 10. Mr. E. S. R ussell.-On Trichorhiza, a new Hydroid Genus. 11. Messrs. C e c il W a r b u r to n , F.Z.S., and N. D. F. P e ar c e .- On new and rare British Oribatidop. 12. Dr. J . W . J e n k in so n .-Notes on the Histology and Physiology of the Placenta in Ungulata. Communications intended for the Scientific Meetings of the Z oological Society of L ondon should be addressed to P. CHALMERS MITCHELL, Secretary. 3 H anover Square, L ondon, W. hlh December, 1905. |