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Show 1905.] OF PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 435 slender and slightly longer than the fourth, the following joints thickened; thorax strongly transverse, the sides rounded, broadly flattened, anterior angles muci'onate. the surface with a few minute punctures, testaceous, with three small black spots placed transversely ; scutellum black; elytra with strongly but narrowly reflexed margins, rather strongly and very closely punctured, with a very feeble depression below the base, black, each elytron with six round flavous spots-of these, one is placed at the middle, just below the basal margin, two at the middle, placed transversely, two immediately below, and one at the apex ; under side and legs black. Hab. Paraguay. A rather small and well-marked species, of which I possess a single specimen only. Elytra with elongate spots or longitudinal black or flavous bands. O ed io n y ch is h um b o l d t i , sp. n. Testaceous, the head and the breast black, sides of the thorax straight, the latter impunctate; elytra closely and finely punctured, two elongate spots at the base and two below the middle of each elytron black. Length 6 millim. Head black or nearly so, impunctate, the frontal elevations broad, trigonate, clypeus perpendicularly deflexed ; antennae robust, fulvous, the third joint smaller than the fourth ; thorax narrowed in front, one-half broader than long, the sides straight, broadly flattened, the anterior angles produced into a small tooth, the surface impunctate, testaceous ; scutellum testaceous; elytra nearly parallel, closely and distinctly, although finely punctured, testaceous, each elytron with two more or less elongate black spots at the base and two others below the middle-of the basal spots, one is placed on the shoulders and extends nearly down to the middle, the other shorter one is placed near the suture ; the posterior spots are almost joined, the outer one being of more elongate shape than the inner; under side and legs testaceous, breast black. Hab. Bolivia. This Oedionychis is well distinguished by the straight lateral margins of the thorax, which are obliquely narrowed anteriorly, and by the four elytral spots. In one specimen the latter are represented by short and narrow stripes. O e d io n y ch is w a t e r h o u se i (MS. Clark), sp. n. Black, the clypeus flavous ; head strongly punctured; thorax flavous, impunctate; elytra finely and closely punctured, bluish black, the lateral margins narrowly and a broad discoidal band, joined at the apex to the margin, flavous. Length 6 millim. |