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Show The Zoological llecord, Volume the Thirty-eighth; being Records of Zoological Literature relating chiefly to the year 1901. -By J. A. Thomson, R. Lydekker, R. Bowdler Sharpe, G. A. Boulenger, Alice L. Embleton, E. R. Sykes, E. A. Smith, S. Pace, Albert Brown, D . Sharp, F. A. Bather, and E. A. Minchin. Edited (for the Zoological Society of London) by D a v id S h a r p , M.A., E.R.S., E.Z.S., &c. London, 1902. Price 30s. The Zoological Record, Volume the Thirty-ninth ; being Records of Zoological Literature relating chiefly to the year 1902. By D. Sharp, R. Lydekker, R. Bowdler Sharpe, G. A_. Boulenger, W. T. Caiman, E. R. Sykes, E. A. Smith, Alice L. Embleton, E. A. Bather, E. A. Minchin, and H. M. Woodcock. Edited (for the Zoological Society of London) by D a v id S h a r p , M.A., E.R.S., E.Z.S., &c. London, 1903. Price 30s. The Zoological Record, Volume the Fortieth; being Records of Zoological Literature relating chiefly to the year 1903. By D. Sharp, R. Lydekker, R. Bowdler Sharpe, G. A. Boulenger, W. T. Caiman, E. R. Sykes, E. A. Smith, Alice L. Embleton, F. A. Bather, E. A. Minchin, and H. M. Woodcock. Edited (for the Zoological Society of London) by D a v id Sharp, M.A., F.R.S., F.Z.S., (fee. London, 1901. Price 30s. The Zoological Record, Volume the Forty-first; being Records of Zoological Literature relating chiefly to the year 1904. By D , Sharp, R.*Lydekker, R. Bowdler Sharpe, G. A. Boulenger, W. T. Caiman, E. R. Sykes, E. A. Smith, Eugene Simon, Filippo Silvestri, Alice L. Embleton, F. A. Bather, W. Woodland, and H. M. Woodcock. Edited (for the Zoological Society of London) by D a v id S h a r p , M.A, F.R.S., F.Z.S., &c. London, 1905. Price 40s. Index Zoologicus. An alphabetical list of names of genera, and subgenera proposed for use in Zoology, as recorded in the Zoological Record, 1880-1900; together with other names not included in the ‘ Nomenclator zoologicus' of S. H. Scudder. Compiled (for the Zoological Society of London) by C h a r l e s O w e n W a t e r h o u s e and edited by D a v id S h a r p , Editor of the Zoological Record. London, 1902. Price to Fellows, 18s.; price to the public, 20s. These publications may be obtained at the Society's Off ice (3 Hanover Square, JV.). |