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Show 1 9 0 5 .] OF PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 4 4 5 times slightly concave near the suture, both bands do not quite extend to the lateral margins of the elytra ; under side and legs black, the apex of the abdomen sometimes more or less fulvous; prosternum longitudinally carinate at the middle. Hab. Peru. The characteristic feature of this species, by which it may be principally distinguished from the many similarly coloured ones, is the shape of the elytral blue posterior band, of which the posterior edge is broadly rounded instead of straight; the flavous band which separates the blue ones at the middle is generally, but not always, of about the same width as that of the basal dark band, sometimes broader. 0. alacris Erich, and 0. promta Erich, are described with black not blue bands, and the former with the head rufous, the other with a broad median flavous band ; other details are not given. The eight specimens before me show no variation of any importance, but I may add that the posterior elytral band is in all cases broader (in a longitudinal sense) than the anterior one. O e d io n y ch is c o lom b ia n a , sp. n. Black, the clypeus and the thorax flavous, the latter impunctate; elytra with a few punctures near the base, flavous, a broad band at the base, another at the middle, and the extreme apex metallic blue; abdomen fulvous. Length 7 millim. Head bluish black, impunctate, frontal elevations small, transverse, clypeus flavous, carina short and thick; antennae with the lower and the terminal three joints dark fulvous, the intermediate ones piceous, third joint much shorter than the fourth; thorax impunctate, flavous, the sides deeply sulcate, especially so near the anterior angles which are thickened but not produced, near the base is a very shallow transverse sulcation; scutellum black; elytra extremely finely punctured, with some more distinct punctures near the suture and within the shoulders, flavous, a broad transverse band at the base, not extending downwards to the middle nor to the lateral margins, another band immediately below the middle but of more rounded shape, and the extreme apex metallic blue; breast and legs black, the abdomen and the tarsi more or less fulvous. Hab. Colombia. (Collection H. Clavareau and my own.) Closely allied to 0. bipunctata Chev. (insularis Jac.), but the head impunctate, the frontal elevations black, not flavous, and the elytra extremely finely punctured, the posterior band broader, not in shape of a round spot. O e d io n y ch is su c c in c t a , sp. n. Black, antennae fulvous ; thorax flavous, with an aeneous short band at the middle of the anterior margin ; elytra flavous, a broad transverse band at the base and another below the middle black, nearly impunctate. |