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Show 122 MR. K. ANDERSEN ON BATS [May 16, natural groups (sub-sections): the lepidus-type, the minor-type, and the subbadius-type. I propose to characterise these types at once. It will enable me to confine the diagnoses of the various species to the points in which they differ from the subjoined general characteristic. (1) The lepidus-type.-Chief characters : skull larger, width of brain-case about 7‘7-7'8 mm.; connecting process (in side view) projecting as a small, erect triangle (not cui'vecl forwards as a sharply pointed " horn "). Description, based on Rh. lepidus (Wynaad, Mysore, Indian Peninsula).-Supplementary leaflet as in simplex and its allies. Horse-shoe not completely covering the upper lip ; a small toothlike projection on either side of the median notch ; front border sometimes, not always, slightly crenulate (individual variation). Sella decidedly broader at base than at summit, slightly, but quite distinctly, constricted at middle, narrow at summit: there is a tendency towards producing an almost subacute summit to the sella (compare with this the borneensis-type : sella broadly rounded off, or even truncated, at summit); height of sella 3‘2 mm. ; width at base, at constriction, and at summit: 2, 1*8, and 1*2 mm. Connecting process projecting as an acute, sometimes only subacute, triangle beyond the summit of the sella. Lancet strongly hastate, about 3 mm. long. Three mental grooves. Ears much as in the celebensis-borneensis type, but somewhat more blunt-tipped. Wing-structure quite primitive, i. e. no lengthening of III.2, this phalanx being always less, and very often much less, than 1| the length of III.1; no shortening of the third metacarpal; fourth metacarpal slightly the longest (individually it may fall short of the fifth by a fraction of a millimetre). This wing-structure is perfectly like that of Rh. simplex and its allies. Tail slightly longer than (individually equal to, or a trifle shorter than) the lower leg. Plagiopatagium inserted on the ankle, slightly above or below. Skull. General shape : the simplex-borneensis type, but considerably smaller, with smaller teeth, and shorter tooth-roios. The orbital cavities (the confluent orbital and temporal fossae) are shorter and narrower than in borneensis, the zygomatic arches, therefore, less projecting laterally, making the zygomatic width of the skull, as a rule, only equal to, or even a trifle smaller than, the mastoid width. These peculiarities combined make, as a rule, the skulls of the species of the lepidus-type rather easily distinguishable from those of the borneensis-type.-Arrangement of the nasal swellings, essentially, as in borneensis. Palatal bridge, on an average, somewhat less than 1, but more than i the length of the maxillar tooth-row. Dentition. Position of p3 (in, or external to, the tooth-row) " vacillating." p2 invariably in the tooth-row. This dentition is precisely as in simplex-borneensis. Species. Rh. lepidus, monticola, refulgens. |