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Show 114 MR. K. ANDERSEN ON BATS [May 16, Details.-(1) Compared with obscurus : the subjoined particulars will make the difference evident:- 59 specimens of the typical form have been examined from the following localities :-Transcaspia (1) ; Euphrates Valley (3) ; Syria (2); Galilee (2); Cyprus (2) ; N. Bulgaria (1); Trans-sylvania (31); Hungary (1); Moravia (2); Dalmatia (2); Turin (1); Genoa (1); Sicily (2); Switzerland (Tessin and Geneva* 7); Tubingen (1). Forearm, in these specimens, on an average 57‘5 mm. In no less than 44, i. e. 75 per cent., the forearm measures 57 mm. or more (up to 603 mm.); in the remaining (and quite independent of the locality) less than 57 mm. (down to 53'5 mm.). Of obscurus 31 specimens have been examined from :-Troubate, Hautes-Pyrenees (8); Cintra, Portugal (1) ; Madrid (3); Valencia t (12); Minorca (5); Algeria (2). Forearm, in these specimens, on an average 55-5 mm. In no less than 25, i. e. 81 per cent., the forearm measures less than 57 mm. (down to 52-8 mm.); in the remaining between 57 and 58 mm. Although the series is smaller than that of the typical form, the facts here pointed out cannot be due to mere chance; the contrast is too well marked. As a conclusion : in the typical form the forearm measures generally 57 mm. or more; in obscurus almost always less than 57 mm.; maximum of obscurus is but a trifle larger than the average size of the typical form. (2) Compared with the eastern races: the proportionately longer tail prevents, in almost all cases, its confusion with any of these races. The skull is rather easily discriminated from that of tragatus and regulus (cf. measurements, p. 115), but I fail to find any point by which to distinguish it from the Japanese nippon. British specimens. 13 specimens have been examined. Forearm on an average 55-4 mm., i. e., British specimens of ferrum-equinum are on an average of the same size as the extreme south-western (Spanish) race, Eh. f . obscuwis J. Of the 13 specimens, 2 only have the forearm 57 mm. long or more (up to 58 mm., quite as in obscurus)', all the others between 53‘8 and 56'2 mm. These indications require, of course, verification by a much larger series §. Dentition (11 skulls). In seven skulls p3 is present on both sides (teeth in very different stages of wear); in one, on one side only (teeth worn); in three (teeth almost unworn, or much worn) completely wanting (no alveoli), p2 is present in all the skulls examined, two of which are of very aged individuals. Cingula of the upper canine and p4 generally more or less overlapping, but in two skulls separated by an extremely small interspace. This dentition is almost exactly as in nippon. * For the loan of some Bats from the neighbourhood of Geneva I am indebted to M. Ch. Mottaz. f A very elaborate table of measurements of fourteen Spanish specimens was kindly sent to me by Prof. A . Cabrera Latorre, Madrid. These are the only examples, dealt with in this paper, not examined by myself. X Compare with this Eh. hipposiderns minutns, below, p. 142. § To keep the typical form uninfluenced by the smaller British individuals, I exclude these latter from the table of measurements on p. 115. |