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Show 24 found. The Prawn was made the type of a new variety of Palcemon lar, both the variety and the typical form having a wide distribution in countries bordering the Indian Ocean. Mr. R ic h a r d S t a p l e s -B r ow n e , F.Z.S., contributed a paper containing the results of experiments he had made in connection with the heredity of webbed feet in Pigeons. Mr. C e c il W a r b u r to n , F.Z.S., read a paper, prepared by himself and Mr. N. D. F. P e a r c e , on new and rare British Oribatidce. Eleven species were remarked upon, of which seven were described as new to science, and two were recorded for the first time as being British. The nymph of Serrarius microcephalus was described for the first time, and it was pointed out that Gustavia sol of Kramer was a nymph of an unknown species of Serrarius. The next Meeting of the Society for Scientific Business will be held on Tuesday, the 16th January, 1906, at half-past Eight o'clock p m., when the following communications will be made :- 1. Mr. W. Storrs F ox, F.Z.S.-On Bones of the Lynx from Cales Dale, Derbyshire. 2. Mr. J. L ewis B onhote, F.Z.S.-On Mammals from South Johore and Singapore collected by Mr. C. B. Kloss. 3. Mr. F. E. B eddard, F.R.S.-Contributions to the Anatomy of the Ophidia. 4. Mr. Charles S. T omes, M.A., F.R.S. - On the Minute Structure of the Teeth of Creodonts, with especial reference to their suggested Resemblance to Marsupials. The following Papers have been received :- 1. Mr. B ashford D ean .-Notes on the Living Specimens of the Australian Lung-fish (Ceratodus forsteri) in the Zoological Society's Collection. 2. Mr. P ercy I. L a th y , F.Z.S.:-On Three new Forms of Butterfly of the Genus Heliconius. 3. Mr. E. S. R ussell.-On Trichorhiza, a new Hydroid Genus. 4. Dr. J. W. J enkinson. - Notes on the Histology and Physiology of the Placenta in Ungulata. 5. Miss G ertrude R icardo.- Description of a new Genus of the Tabanidce. 6. Dr. J ean R oux .-Synopsis of the Genus Nectophryne. 7. Mr. J. S. S purrell.-On the Angle of the Jaw. Communications intended for the Scientific Meetings of the Z oological S o c ie t y of L o ndon should be addressed to P. CHALMERS MITCHELL, Secretary. 3 H a n o v er S q u a r e , L o ndon, W . 1 9 th December, 1 9 0 5 . |