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Show November 28, 1905. Mr. J. T. Cunningham, M.A., F.Z.S. Exhibition of photographs of, and remarks upon, a horse bearing horn-like structures ............................................................................ 323 Mr. Frank Slade, F.Z.S. Exhibition of photographs of a Sea-Anemone in the process of division........................... 324 Mr. Douglas English. Exhibition of an albino Field- Vole .................................................................................... 324 Mr. G. A. Boulenger, F.R.S. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a melanistic specimen of the Wall-Lizard ........... 324 Capt. Albert Pam, F.Z.S. Remarks upon a living specimen of the Violet-cheeked Humming-bird............................... 324 Mr. W. R. Ogilvie-Grant, F.Z.S. Exhibition of a series of bird-skins from Japan ....................................................... 324 1. Colour Evolution in Guereza Monkeys. By R. L ydekker. 325 2. The White-maned Serow. By R. L ydekker. (Plate VIII.) 329 3. The Duke of Bedford's Zoological Exploration in Eastern Asia.- I. List of Mammals obtained by Mr. M. P. Anderson in Japan. By Oldfield T homas, F.R.S. (Plate IX.) ........................................................................ 331 4. A Revision of the Fishes of the Family Galaxiidce. By C. T ate R egan, B.A., F.Z.S. (Plates X .-X III.)........... 363 5. The Mammalian Fauna of China.-Part I. Murince. By J. L ewis B onhote, M.A., F.L.S........................................ 384 6. Descriptions of new Species of Phytophagous Coleoptera of the Genera Romophoeta, Asphcera, and Oedionychis. By M artin J acoby, F.E.S. (Plates X IV. & XV.)... 398,591 7. Some Additions to the Knowledge of the Anatomy, principally of the Vascular System, of Hatteria, Crocodilus, and certain Lacertilia. By F rank E. B eddard, M.A., F.R.S., Prosector to the Society....................................... 461 Page |