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Show The Ther (Hie RB. Ast, BR dps Wild Carline. Cnicus carlina fylueftris diftus: 7640 4S Go obe U.S N Sor AR. Ars WoO Il. RT. 7) ER. guft. Theleaves are long, moderately broad, full of prickles, and ofa fhining green. Others, Carlina /ylveftris. This is formed of one another. The flofcules in the.difk are tubular, and thofe very numerous feales, placed over he Axe r y a them. te havea fine ; down fixed to on the edge 8 flatted; and the feeds fia with the others. Linneus ranges this among the fyagene e 1. Starwort, called Golden en $4-/ After crithinum cryfanthemum didtus. arvenhs ceruleus cerule arvenfis ope arise, oe The root is long, andhas a few fibres. The ftalk is hairy, upright, and a foot high, of a redifh colour, and towardthe top branched, The Jeaves are oblong, broad, of a dutky green, and hairy, fibres. The root is large, and hung with many and Theftalk is round, upright, juicy, green, rarely branched. The leaves are of a fingular figure: they are at long, narrow, and divided into three parts the end. Their colour is a pale green ; and they are of a fiefhy fubftance. The flowers are large, aad of a fine yellow : one ufually terminates the ftalk. Wehave it on our weftern coafts. It flowers The flowers are moderately large, and of a purplifh blue: they ftand at the tops ofthe branches. Wehave it on barren grounds, flowering in April. C. Bauhine calls it Conyza caerulea aris. in July. C. Bauhinecalls it Crithinum maritimum flore afteris Attici. Others, Afer ceruleus arvenfis. fibres. 2 The toot is very large and thick, brown, flefhy, and of an aromatick tafte. The ftalk is five feet high, very thick, firm, and not much branched. The leaves are large, oblong, pointed, and of a yellowith green. The flowers grow at the tops of all the branches ; and they are large andyellow. The ftalk is round, redifh, upright, and a foot high. the branches; and are large andblue. It is common aboutfalt rivers, and flowers. in gardens, Augut, C. Bauhine calls: it Tripolium majus caeruleum. acris Linaria foliis. E aE IR G@ 4 11. 7 flower is compofed of numerous flofcules; placed in a common cup. it is loaded with many branches. The leaves are oblong, broad, and of a deep green. The flowers are very numerous, and of a fine gold yellow: they ftand at the tops of the ftalks and branches. It is commonin dry places, andflowers in Auguft. C.Bauhine calls it Virga aurea anguftifolia miOthers, Virga aurea vulgaris, and fimply Virga aurea. 2. Marfh Golden Red. . Z, ~ Virga aurea palufris. 2 OLf 6 O US: This is large, and is formed of numerous fmall fcales, The flofcules are tubular, and divided into five parts the edge; and they are furrounded with fhining, hard rays, ‘. Linneusplaces this among the /yngencfia, wild EA. BRU T 1S A Theroot is compofed of numerots fibres, conneGted to an oblong head. Theftalk is-upright, and two feet high; and uus ferrata, IV, ALULR, . Linnzus places this with the others among the /yagenefia 1, Common Golden Rod. . A , 7 a7 Virga aurea vulgaris. PCO Commelinecalls it Afer anguftifolius Africanus Vi. ROD. thofe which furround them on the edge flat. Others, Conyzella. CARLINE, CAN £56 The rootis an excellent pectoral, and pofieffes many other virtue’. It is fubaftringent and diaphoretick. It is given with moft fuccefs in coughs, and diforders of the lungs; and is no way better than eaten candied, cup. This is oblong HE flower is compofed of numerous flofcules, arranged in a common and fealy, and is formed of many oblong parts. The flofcules in the centre are tubular, and D4 V-1‘s 1.0 N* at the edges. Theflowers are large, and of a pale purple, fometimes deeper, fometimes whitith. It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and flowers in June. Negus WILD V It flowers in May. Narrow-leaved African Starwort. W244 pale green, fharp-pointed, and not at all divided The root is long, and furnifhed with many fibres. Theftalk is upright, branched, and four feet high. Theleaves are large, but very narrow, of a fhire. It flowers in July. C. Bauhine calls it Helenium vulgare. Others, Enula campana, and fome Inula; Linneus among others. Ny Ums Boccone calls it Conyza Canadenfis annua alba FOREIGN SPECIES. After purpurafcens anguftifolius Africanus. V. Wehaveit wild in pafture-grounds in York- : GOLDEN Theleaves are long, narrow, andof lively green. The flowers ftand at the tops of the branches, and are fmall and white. It is found in many parts of England, but feems owing to feeds fcattered and blown out of Del Vs lnS:10) Noodl. Zz, Helenium vulgare. 70640 G G The ftalk is round, upright, and three feet high. The leaves are long, narrow, and of a pale green, obtufe at the ends, and not atall divided at the edges. The flowers ftand in numbers at the tops of G Common Elecarhpane; Theroot is {mall and fibrous. The root is long, and furnifhed with many UlaS Oe HE flower is compofed of numerous flofcules, arranged in a common cup. Thisis large, and compofed of many loofe fcales. The flofcules are of two kinds, tubular in the centre, and flat or ligulatedat the edge ; and the buttons on the threads have briftles behind them. Linnzus places this among the /yngenefia. After conyza Canadenfis annua acris dita. Afice Tripolium aiéius, C. Bauhine calls it Cnicus fylvefris fpinofor: ELECAMPANE. 4. Starwort, called Dwarf Fleabane. 2. Sea-Statwort. AVC 44 © We haveit in dry paftures, flowering in Au- HELEWIU M 3. Small Starwort, called Blue, fweet Fleabane. After After of SPECIES. BRITISH UL Gy 449 The flowers are large, andofa dufky yellow: they terminate the branches, and rife alfo from the bofoms of the leaves. The root is long, flender, and hard. The ftalk is wpright, firm, of a yellowith green, and haity. placed in a commoncup. IE flower is compofed of numerous flofcules, T HE DigVal $10 N HERBAL. BRITISH The root is fibrous and white. The ftalks are numerous, flender, upright, N° XLV. 5 Pt Cer Es: and two feet high: they are ufually of a redifh colour, and are not much branched. The Jeaves are long, narrow, andbeautifully ferrated at the edges. The flowers ftand in great numbersat the tops of the branches, and are large andyellow. Tt is a native of our fen-counties, and flowers in June. C. Bauhinecalls it Conyza paluftris ferratifolia3. Small, ferratéd-leaved Golden Rod. Virga aurea humilia foliis ferratis. LOC. 7 The root is compofed of numerous fibres, cons neéted to a fmall head. The ftalks are tough, uptight, very much branched, anda foot high. The leaves are placed on long footftalks ; and are narrow, and ferratedat the edges. The flowers are numetous, fmall, aad yellow. {tis found in ourhilly northefn and wefter counties, flowering in July Raycalls it Virga aurea vulgari humilior. 5 x 4. Natrow- |