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Show RBA L. It is a native of the Gr in July. GC. Bauhine calls it C Others, Coriandr rage S UY HARES BE eU PL ahd thefe are tharper, and n nore ferrated* r y are white, root i } are of a roundec XXVIII. EA. R. HE flowers are placed in un bells, on div ed and fubdivided branches. There are no leaves > bafe ofthe larger branches, but there are unc r their fubdivifions. Each fc hefe are ll, heart-fafhioned, and turned back at the ends: The cup is {ed offive petals ; and thef ¢ ; triated on one G ve dents. The feeds are of an oblong, oval form, ftriated on one fide, and y {mall} and ha entire and undivided. other. The lea ; the thr being les two in places this among the pe NoU PENN HOLD D1 V¥-S.0-N-) Bik TT. S Hy} PE 1, Others, Pez writers, Bex 1. Thoroughwax. LS + perfoliatum. The root is long, flender, white, and hard. TI Ik is round, upright, and toward the top dividedinto feveral branches: it is of a yellowifh colour, and of a very firm fubftance. The leaves ftand fingly at confiderable diftances; and are of a roundifh, but fomewhat oblong fhape, of a firm fubftance, and a beautiful green. The ftalk runs through them: theyare not at all indented at the edges, but are fomewhat pointed at the upper end. The flowers are fall, and of a beautiful yellow: they ftand in thick tufts at the tops ofthe ds are fmall and blackith. mon in the corn-fields of fome parts J, and flowers in July. C. Bauhine calls it Perfoliata vulgatiffima. The more correé halum. th FOgR.E 1 G N Common Hares-Ear. S PEs GslvE:S, The leaves ftand alternately on it; andthey The root is fmall, and furnifhed with numefous fibres. The firft leaves are oblong, and very broad, undivided, and roundedat the ends. The ftalk is round, upright, and two feet are oblong, and moderately broad, of a bluith green, and undivided. The flowers are fmall and yellow. The feeds are brown andacrid. It is a native of Germany, andother parts of Europe, and flowers in June. C, Bauhine calls it Beupleurum vulgatifimum. Y¥ G fpofed four upona ftalk, with a little umbell in the Each is conya ls, of an oval figure, but fharp-pointed, and {pread open. The cup is very minute. The feeds are half round, Linne laces this aniong the pen 5 the threads being five, and the ftyles two in each It is truly an uml ng, flender, and white. The ftalks are numerous, and very {mall : they are a foot and half high, andare divided toward the topinto a few branches. The leaves ftand alternately on them; and they are long, narrow, grafly, and of a pale green. The flowers ftand on very fimall umbels at the tops of the ftalks, and onfootftalks rifing from the bofoms of the leaves: they are little and white. The feeds are fmall, and dark-coloured. We have it in dry paftures, and byroad-fides in Effex. It flowers in June. 4 iNew, Al C. Bauhinecalls it Bezp apy um anguftiffimo folio, Others, Beupleurummi: SRA ferous plant, though a very fingular one. :in very Satna Fie: rifing CRGHIERE +f fmall tufts, from the flalks, with the leaves. The feeds are {mall and brown. erous, round, jointed, weak, een: they run upon the furface , and take root at the joints. aves ftand fingly on flender footttalké ; are round, dentatedat the edges, and of ereen. he flowers are fmall and white: they ftand G No B It is common in damp pattures, and flowers in June. C. Bauhine calls it Ranunculus a danis folio. Others, Cotyledon drocotyle, ‘Fhe farmers have an opinion that it gives theig fheep the rot; whence they call it white rot, CaS RY Yr Delav pies tO Ni, narum. Others; not much branched. The root is aftringent, and good againft hata Theleaves on it in fome degree refemble thofe | mortrhages. ir e The " : The €sPa ate recommended ip from the root; but they are divide ewer | vulnerary potions, mM. E£-O ROU hin calls alls it Sap c Bauhine it San; Diapenfia. WN XXXI, N G 0, Gya Uq Mm MMHE flowers are difpofed in a fingular kind of umbells, furrounded with rany leaves at the bafe, mbells are of a convex or conic form. Each flower is compofed and feparated by filr ie of five petals; which are oblong, bent at the bafe, and marked witha line all along each of them; The cupis large, and divided to the bafe into five fegments. The feeds are two; and they are oblong and rounded. Linnzeus places this among the penlandria dig ia; the threads being five, and the ftyles two in €ach flower. i. Common Eryngo. LESQ" CO ‘ancuin. Ge Hs Noe SAN DAI A EP TT t ues XXIX, EYGOTHAE) oh MS faz, J . . fBia flowers are placed .in little rt umbells on branches, fubdivided into numerous very fhort te i My f ones, with a few leaves underneath. Each flower is compofed of five petals; and they are fplit at the end, and bent. The cup is very minute. The feeds are convex, and rough on on¢ fide, and plain on the other, Linneus places this among the pentandria digymia ; the threads being five, and the flyles two in each flower. Common The root is extremely long, flender, browns of a {weet and very agreeable tafte; and it has a fibre in the centre. and tonches. es are large: they are placed itregu1 they are divided deeply into fharp ed feoments. lowers are fmall and white, ye it in our midlandcounties p'entifully. Tt flowers in july. of the breaft and lungs. The confeétioners preferve it with fugar; and that way it has great virtues. -It is alfo given in decoétion. It operates by urine when givenin this manner, andis good inft obftructions of the vifcera, and in the jaundice, 2, Sea-Eryngo, Ery: gikin marin 1 The roots are very long, tough, and creep ing. Thg |