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Show Th 476 BRITISH J 17. The Butterfly-Orchis. le A6™m oblonge. calcari bifolia Orchis "The root is a double bulb. "Phe leaves. aré ufually two S they are oblong, very broad, and of a deep green. pale The flalk isa foot high, Nender, and ofa green. “phe flowers ftand at the top in a long, loofe fpike; and they are fmall and white. They are fuppofed to reprefent the form of a butterfly ; but there muft go a great deal of fancy to make that out, The fpur behind is very Jong, and there is a pleafing fweetnefs in the flowers at evening. Wehave it in boggy grounds. It flowers in May. C. Bauhine ¢alls it Orchis difolia altera. Others, Orchis bermapbroditica, and Pfychodes. 38, Gnat Orchis. Orehis difolia minor. 77emu The rootis a double bulb. ‘The leaves are oblong, broad, obtufe, and ufually only two in number. The ftalk is of a pale green, juicy, and fix inches high. HERBAL. hes a1. Long fpurred handed Orchis, Orchis palmata calcaribus longis. VEo-2 The root is palmated. The leaves are oblong, narrow, and of a pale green. The ftalk is ten inches high, andjuicy, The flowers ftandat the top in a long, thick. fet fpike; and they are fmall, and naturallyofa very bright red, fometimes white: they have a fragrant fmell. It is not uncommonin our paftures, and flowers in June, C. Bauhine calls it Orchis palmata minorcalcas ribus oblongis. OCDwBY 22. Frog-Orchis. Orchis palmata flore luteo viridi, Orckis palmata was. The root is palmated. The leaves are oblong, broad, and of a deep green. The ftalk is a foot and half high. The flowers ftand at the top in loofe fpike, and they are large, and of a fingular figure, by fome fuppofed to reprefent a frog. Their colour is a yellowifh green; and the lower part is fometimes tinged with purple. C. Bauhinecalls it Orchis palmata flore viridi. The ftalk is not more than five inches high, and is of a pale green. The flowets are cluftered at the top; and they are {mall, and of a faint red. We have it in boggy places in Suffex. It flowers in July. C. Bauhine calls it Chame-orchis lillifolia, Others, Pfeudo-orchis. 27, Mif-fhapen Orchis, called Birds-neft. Orchis abortiva rufa. 10CO). 22 The root is compofed of very numerous, thick 23. Dwarf handed Orchis. Orchis palmata pufilla alba, Grit The rootis palmated. Theleaves are oblong, broad, ofa deep green, The ftalk is five inches high, and at its top LECO.10) The root is compofed of two tuberous pieces, divided at the bottom in the manner of fingers. This is what botanifts call palmated. The leaves are numerous, broad, of a pale green, and obtufe, The ftalk rifes to two feet in height. The flowers ftand in a long fpike at the top; and are naturally of a fine red, with a tinge of purple. They are fometimes white, and the fpike fhorter. Thefe and the like differences rifing from the degree of nourifhment, have led writers to diftinguith it into feveral imaginary fpecies. We have ic frequent in boggy and wet ground. It flowers in June. C. Bauhine calls it Orchis palmata pratenfis latifolia cum longis calcaribus. 20. Female Handed Orchis. Orchis palmata femina. OLE 9) The root is handed. The leaves are long, broad, of a deep green, and fpotted with black. The ftalk is a foot and half high, and at the top ftand the flowers in a long clofe fpike : they are fmall, and of a pale red, with a tinge of purple. It is common in paftures, and flowers in June. C. Bauhine calls it Orchis Pratenfis maculata, Others, Orchis palmata maculata. L ftand the flowers in a loofe, fmall fpike: they ate white, and, for the fize of the plant, large. We have it on our weftern hills. It flowers in June. The flowers have a {weet fmell. Raycalls it Orchis pufilla alba odorata radice palmata. Orchis palmata major flore viridi albente. apN The leaves are broad, and of a deep green. The ftalk is two feet high. The flowersftand at its top in a long, thick fpike ; and are large, and of a whitifh green. Wehaveit in damp ground in our northern It flowers in June. Raycalls it Orchis palmata thyr{o [peciofo. [ The whole plant, when it has been fome time in flower, acquires the high red colour of the leaves. Wehave it in Effex. It fowers in June. — C. Bauhine IV.- The flowers grow in a long, loofe fpike at 1. CommonHelleborine. Helleborine latifolia vulgaris. G9: 7 branched, and two feet high. The leaves are oblong, broad, of a deep green, and marked lengthway with numerous, high, and thick ribs. The flowers grow in a kindoffpike at the top ; and are fmall, and of a greenifh colour on the outfide, whitifh within, and fometimes tinged It flowers in Auguft. C. Bauhine calls it Helleborine latifolia montana. Theftalk is round, juicy, red, and a foot high: The’ flowers are fmall, numerous, and of 4 U.S He takes away the received name, and calls it /erapias. Wehaveit in woods. The leaves are oblong, confiderably broad, and obtufe: theyrife firft of a brownifh greens and foonafter become of a fine red. i whole plant being of a purple tinge. and inferted on the Linnaeus places this among the gynandria diandria ; the filaments being two, pitil, The feed-veffel is oblong, and the feeds are fmall. i The root is palmated. The root is compofed of numerous, redif_t fibres, ftrangely interwoven with one another. The leaves are {mall, and of a purplifh green. The ftalk is ten inches high, and is purple. The flowers ftand in a {pike at the top ; and they are fmall, and of a lively crimfon. We have it in Suffex under old hedges. It flowers in June. C. Bauhinecalls it Orchis abortiva violacea, the and is compofed HE flower is placed upon the rudiment of the ed-veffel, without any cup, with purple. 25. Scarlet Orchis. Orchis palmata tota rubra. Orchis abortiva minor purpureas an oval form, hollowed at the bafe, T offive petals ; and there is placed within a nectatium, of heart-fafhioned. Theleaves are and divided at the top into three parts; the middle one of which is * n fibres. broad and nervous, and the root is compofed of interwove The rootis fibrous and white. The ftalk is round, firm, upright, not at all The rootis palmated. faint purple. hE 28. Smaller purple mif-fhapen Orchis. HELLEBORINE 24. Great-handed Orchis, with greenifh, white flowers. counties. 477 fibres, irregularly interwoven with one another, C. Bauhine calls it Orchis palmata paluftris tota rubra. | fo as to reprefent a bird’s neft, All thefe orcbis’s poflcfs the fame virtues: they The leaves are oblong, confiderably Broad; are ftrengthening, re{torative, and, as is faid, proand of a brownifh green mote venereal defires. Salep is the dried root of The ftalk is a foot high, and of a brownifi one of the {pecies ; andthey all poffefs the fame colour. qualities. The tefticulated kinds have it in the : The flowers ate moderately largé, and of 4 greateft degree, dufky purple; and they are placed in a loofe {pike at the top of the ftalk. 26, Single-rooted Dwarf Baftard Orchis. ; When the plant has been fomé time in flower, it becomes throughout of a dufky, purplifi, Orchis pumila bifolia radice fingulari. brown colour, The rootis a fingle, round lump, of a brownifh We have it in Charleton foreft, Suffex. It flowers in July. colour. C. Bauhine calls it Orchis abortivafufca. Othet$s The leaves are ufually only two; and they are large, broad, waved along the edges, and of a Nidus avis. Whence our Englith name, Birds-nef and obtufe. 19. Male Handed Orchis, HERB: Aso, deep green: The flowersftand in loofe fpikes at the tops of the ftalks; and afe fmall, white, and of little fmell: they have been fuppofed by fome to reprefent a gnat; but it is very imperfectly. C. Bauhine ¢alls it Orchis bifolia minor calcari oblougo. Br Relws Hy, 2. Purple broad-leaved Helleborine. Helleborine latifolia flore purpurco. LO jn The rootis fibrous and brown. The flalk is firm, round, two feet high, and not branched, Theleaves are oblong, broad, and of a deep green; and they ftand very frequent on the ftalks. N° ay, the top; and they are throughout of a deep, dufky purple. We have it in woods, but not common. It flowers in Auguft. C. Bauhine calls it Helleborine altera atro rubente fore. g. Small, braad-leaved, white-flowered Helleborine. Helleborine minorlatifolia flore albo, The rootis fibrous and white. The ftalk is a foot high, and not at alj branched. The leaves are broad, fhort, of a pale green, and highly ribbed. The flowers ftandin a {mall fpike at the top, and are white. We have itin woods. It flowers in Auguft. C. Bauhine calls it Helleborine fore albo. Others, Helleborine minor. The flowers in this fpecies fometimes are larger, and keep always fhut; and in this ftate it has been defcribed as a diftinét {pecies, unde; the name of Hellevorine latifolia flore albo claufo; but it is only a variety. 6F 4. Helleborine, |