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Show Tha iHE RBA L. BRIDISAH The BR I:'T &S:H GY US B-eN Myofotis vulgaris hirfuta.IVE6uf VIL. GROM WELL LYTHOS PERMU™. HIE floweris formedofa fingle petal: it is tubular at the bottom, and divided intofive obtuf in many of the other fegments at the edge ; and the hollow is open, not clofed by feales, as The cup is formed of a fingle piece, andis dividedinto five hollowed, pointed feoments, The feeds are four after every flower: they are fmooth and hard, andthey ftand naked in the cup. genera. Linneusplaces this among the pentandria monogynia; the threads in the flowerbeingfive, andthe ftyle fingle. DIVISION BRS HS PEC LE S, I. 2. Creeping Gromwell. D055. 3. Common Gromwell. Lithofpermum vulgare. Lithofpermum flore purpurafcente, 75 $./6 Theroot is long, thick, and furnifhed with a few fibres. The ftalk is round, firm, upright, and divided toward the top into numerous branches. The leaves are placed alternately ; and they have nofootftalks: they are oblong, rough, and of a dufky green. The flowers ftand in the bofoms of the leaves all the way up the tops of the branches; and they are {mall and white. The feeds are white, -glofly, extremely: hard, and naked. It is common byroad-fides, and in dry paftures. It flowers in July. C. Bauhineealls it Litho/permum majus ereium. Others, Litho/permum vulgare, Thefeeds of this plant are: excellent againft the gravel: they operate powerfully by urine. DIVISION &. part; where they lie upon the ground, andfrequently fend outfmall fibres by way of roots. Theleaves are placed alternately ; andtheyare oblong, narrow, and of a deepercen. The flowers ftand at the tops of the branches; and they are large, and ofa deep purple. The feeds are rough and whitifh. Wehaveit in barren grounds in the weft of England, but not.common. It flowers in Augut. C. Bauhine calls it Litho/permum latifolium. Others, Litho/permun donai. F,0O 2 Edi GUN. The ftalk is upright, hairy, of a pale green, and ten inches high. are fuppofed to, reprefent the tail of a fcorpion when curled up. The flowers are fmall and blue. It is common on ditch-banks and in dry paf. tures, and flowers in June. C;Bauhinecalls. ic Echium fcorpioides arvenfe. Others, Myofatis [corpivides arvenfis hirfuta. It is faid to be an aftringent; but its virtues are not certainly known. branches; and they are large, and very beauti- Lithofpermum fruticofum. Wie The root is long, thick, and furnifhed witha great many flender fibres. The ftalk-is: woody,” firm, and divided into many branches. The leaves are placed. irregularly : in :fome parts they ftand fingly, and alternate, and in others they rife three, four, or more together: they are oblong, hairy, and of a dufky green. GouiEoonN MOUSE-EAR The flowers rife from the bofom of the leaves; and they are fmall. Thefeeds are hard, fmooth, and whitifh. 3. Water Moufe-Ear Scorpion-Grafs. Mycfotis feorpivides palupris. PESO» The root is compofed of numerous, long , The ftalk is upright, thick, flethy, of a pa green, and divided into many branches: it rifes : The leaves are oblong, and hat broad: they ftand alternately, and they are of a frefh, pale green. The flowers grow in; long,, curled feties/at the tops of the ftalks and branches; andtheyare of a moderate fize, and of a bright blue. ’ Thefeeds are oval, pointed, and fmooth. It is common by pond-fides, and flowers in June. C. Bauhine calls: it. Echium fcorpicides palupire. Others, Myofotis feorpioides paluftris. 4. Little yellow-flowered Moufe-Ear ScorpionGrafs, Myofotis corpioides arvenfis minors in July. C. Bauhine calls it Echium [corpioides minus flofculis luteis. Others, Myofotis Jcorpioides hirfuta minor. have a yellow eye. The feeds are fmall and oblong. GE June. C. Bauhine calls it Anchufa angufifolia. Others, WP EU 2s IX, C AM ae Anchufa arborea. Same Its feeds are celebrated in the aft in nephritick diforders. S VU. SCORPION-GRASS. Oi 0i-es naked in the cup, which growslarger to receive them. The leaves are oblong, Ar T.U mM. HE flower is formedof a fingle petal: it is tubular, and {mall at the bafe; and it thence fwells out into a wide, hollow form; andis divided into five obtufe fegments at the edge. The opening is clofed by five {mall fcales, placed in the manner of rays, and converging toa point. The cup is formed of a fingle piece : it is of a pentagonal figure, and is divided into five fegments at the tim. The feeds are four after every flower; and they remain naked in the cup, which enlarges to defend them. Linnzus places this among the pentandria monogynia’, the threads in the flower being five, and the ftyle fingle. o88- "THE flower is formed of a fingle petal: it is tubular at the bottom, and dividedinto five obtule pee at the rim.* ~The opening is covered by fivelittle fcales. The cup is tubular, © and divided into five fegments at the edge. Thefeeds are four after every flower; andthey in long, twifted feries ; and the feeds are gloffy. Their colour is a fine fky-blue; and they It is a native of the Greek iflands, and of many of the warmer parts of Europe. It flowers in Un OS 391 The root is compofed offlender fibres. 2. Broad-leaved Moufe-Ear Scorpion-Grals. The ftalk is weak, flender, upright, and fix Myofotis feorpivides latifolia. ALS Cu 2 inches high, hairy, of a pale green, and divided into many branches, Theroot is. compofed of numerous, long, and The leaves ftand alternately; and they are flender fibres. fmall: they are oblong, hairy, and of a faint Theftalk is hairy, flender, upright, and a foot green. ‘or more in height : ‘it is of a pale green, and not The flowers ftand at the tops of the ftalks in much branched. twifted {pikes ; and they are very fmall and yelThe leaves are oblong, and moderately broad : low. they are hairy, foft, and of a pleafant green: The feeds dre oval, minute, and fmooth. they are not at all indented at the edges. Tt is common on dry ditch-banks, and flowers The flowers ftand in {pikes at the tops of ‘the S PEC 1.E-S. ORB Auk. to about a foot high. The leaves on it ftand alternately: they refemble thofe from the root; and they are in the fame manner foft and hairy. The flowers ftand in long, flender fpikes at the tops ofthe ftalks and branches. The ends of thefe {pikes of flowers twift round: fo that they ful. Shrubby Gromwell. Vier The root is long, flender, and hung round with a few fhort fibres. The ftalks are numerous and weak: they are hairy, and of a dark green colour in the lower Theroot is long, flender, and hung about with many fibres. The firft leaves are oblong, moderately broad, obtufe, and of adufky green: they are hairy, and foft to the touch ; and they fpread themfelves upon the groundina circulartuft. Hi It is common in damp woods in many parts of England, and flowersin May. Ray calls it Myofotis {corpioides latifolia hirfuta. x. Common Moufe-Ear Scorpion-Grafs, The flowers gt Linneus places this among the pentandria monogynia; the threads in the flowerbeing five, and the ftyle fingle. Common Camfry. Symphytum vulgare. j (SGA The rootis long and thick, black on the outfide, white within, and full ofa thick, flimy juice The firft leaves are very large: they are oblong, broadeft in the middle, fharp-pointed, of a Pale green, ‘and rough to the touch. pivi: The ftalk is thick, angulated, of a pale green, branched, upright, and twofeet high. The leaves on it are placed irregularly: they are Jong, moderately broad, rough, and fharppointed ; but not indented at the edges. The flowers ftand in great numbers along the the tops of the ftalks and branches, which turn round with them before they open: they are fmall, and of a yellowifh white ; fometimes they are purple. The feeds are pointed at the end, and {welled on one fide, 1 It |