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Show (BREN 1S Hi The H ER BAL, Phe (BRETT SH! oR Rep az \ mi Vv 1S. Ow ar FOREIGN Paftinacha fativa. Z7 BF 3 The rootis verylarge, white, long, tender, and of a {weet tafte. The leaves which rife firft from it are large, elegantly and regularly divided in the pinnated manner, andof a yellowifh green. The ftalk is two yards » firm, branched, yellowifh, ftriated, and hollow. The leaves on this refemble thofe from the root; but they are fmaller. s& Peucedanum vulgare. ‘The flowers arelittle and yellow, andthe feeds are light and broad. It is wild in the Greek iflands ; where it ac. quires the full ftature, but has not the tru nefs of the root unlefs cultivated. Tt appears we had the feeds originally thence ; though we have nowfo long cultiv fromthofe ripenedin our gardens, th forgottén. C. Bauhine calls it Pa/fi 1, Garden-Parfnep. G, Hogs Fenitel. SPEC J E:3 All knowthe ufe of the roots in food; they are very nourifhing and wholefome. NM Up ans The flowers are {mall and yellow. It is commonby the Thar Effex, and elfewh It flo 2 Theroot is long andthick, andat the topis ufually covered with a fhaggy matter, formedof the ribs of decayed ftalks it is black on the outfide, green within, and, when cut, yields a yel- C. Bauhine calls ic Peuced: Others, Pescedanum vulgare, low juice of a {trong unpleafant {mell. Tt is an unpleafant, but a very va The firft leaves are placed onlong footftalks : they are large, and they are divided and fubdivided bythrees into a multitude of long, narrow fegments. The ftalk isa yardhigh, ftriated, and branched; and the leaves are placedirregularly on it, and are cine. A fyrup made of the juice of the root with ney is excellent in afthmatickcafes, A decoctionof it operates byurine againft obftructions of the vifc It is alfo good outwardly in headachs, like thofe from the root. (CS il. ea; Uns SHEPHERDS Ve NEEDEER, LORD IL IUM, (HE flowers are difpofed in moderately large, irregular umbells, on divided and fubdivi footftalks ; and have at the bottom a kind of cup, formed of fevera i flower is compofed of five regular petals, which are bent, and heart-f The feeds are large'and roundifh, two grow together, and they have ferrated edges Linnzus places this among the pentan ftyles two. s. Each cup is fmall: 5 and the SE iyTus Af but a few oblong leaves to the fubdivifions, Each flower is compofed offive unequal pe a hesrt-fafhioned fhape. The cup is very minute. The feeds are long; and tha grow together; and eachis rounded andftriated on the outfide, and fmooth andflat v Linnzus places this among the pentandria digynia ; the threads being five, and the fty Gee N HOGS The root is long, flender, white, and hung with a few fibres. The firft leaves are large, and fupported on long footftalks: they are compofed each ofa great number of fmal!, fhort, and broad fegments, which have alfo their feparate long footftalks. The ftalk is round, ftriated, branched, and about a foot high. The leaves are placed irregularly on it; and refemble thofe from the root, but that theyare {maller, The flowers are fmall and white. The feeds are large, and very beautiful: they form together a kind of flat fruit, which has a whitifh curled edge. It is found in our fouthern counties, but is not common. It flowers in July. C. Bauhinecalls it Se/eli Creticum minus. The feeds are carminative; and they work alfo by urine. U0 BR IT TS Shepherds Needle. Gre dinn ainvulgaris. loare Scandix Ee 7 i The root is long, flender, white, and hung with a few flight fibres, The leaves are fmall, and fupported on fhort footftalks : they are very finely divided , and their colour is a very'dark green. The ftalks are numerous, green, branched, and a foot high. DIV 1S LON <I. IV. The femble The The Small Shepherds Nettle. Scan Theroot is long, flender, white, and furnifhed with a few fibres. The leayes are divided into numerous and very {mall feoments; and they have a pleafant The ftalks are numerous, branched, ftriated, and a foot high, SPE CLES leaves ftandirregular 1 y on them, thofe from the root ; coed flowers are m feeds are lo It is commonin corn-fields, and flow Auguft. C. Bauhine calls it Sea femine roftrato garis, Others, Peéten Veneris, Its virtues are not known. BHO RE 1 GIN fmell. SPIES Pers: The leaves are placedalternately on thef their footftalks furround the ftalk at t they are like thofe from the root, but fin The flowers ftand at the extremities of the branches in little umbells; and they are fmall and white. The feeds are long, and veryflender. It ic commonin the Greek iflands, where they eat the young leavesin fallads. C. Bauhine calls it Scandix Cretica minor. FENNEL. PEE RUC Bape NU ea "THE flowers are difpofed in a very large umbel, upon divided and fubdivided branches ; whole is furrotndedat its bafe by a number of narrow, crooked ‘or twifted leaves is compofed of five oblong, undivided petals ; and the cup to it is fmall, and divided byfive dents at the edge. The feeds are oblong and ftriated. Linnzus places this among the pentandria digynia ; the threads in the fower being three, and the ftyles two. DEV PS tO N Lor The root is long, flender, and hung with a fewftraggling fibres. The firft leaves are large, and divided in the pinnated manner into numerous, fhort, obtufe fegments. The ftalk is firm, upright, andfive feet high: it is fttiated, a little hairy, as are alfo the leaves, and is divided into feveral branches toward the top. The leaves are placed alternately on it; and they refemble thofe from the root, ‘but that they are fmaller. The flowers are fmall and white. The feeds are large, flat, and broad, brown or redifh in the middle, and whitifh at the edges. We have it in dry paftures, and under hedges, but not common. It flowers in July. C. Bavhi Ils Sefeli Creticum majus, Others, Tord) num. We have no Englith name for any plant of this genus. Tx HE flowers are difpofed in fmall umbells upon long divided ftalks, which have po general cup, 1, Great Tordylium. Tordylium majus. GUMgeAN Din GW wE. oN U Ss VI. CHERVILL CHHEROPAYTLLU™M HE. flowers are difpofed in broad, fpreading umbells, on divided and fubdivided branches ; and they have no cup to furround their bafe at the ftalk, but fome long leaves underthe fubdivifions. Each floweris compofed-of five bent andheart-fathioned petals. The cupis very minute ; and the feeds are oblong, flender, and pointed at the top, rounded on the outfide, and flat Within, Linnzus places this among the pentandria digynia; the threads being five, andthe ftyles two in tach flower, DIVI- |