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Show BREEDS Hi Tha FOREIGN Dil Vv 1S 1 ON Garden-Parfnep. The rootis verylarge, white, long, tender, and of a {weet tafte. The leaves which rife firft from it are large, elegantly and regularly divided in the pinnated manner, and of a yellowifh green. Theftalk is two yards , firm, branched, yellowith, ftriated, and hollow. The leaves on this refemble thofe from the root; but they are fmaller. iE The SPECIES, The flowers arelittle andyel are light and broad. It is wild in th : - ft quires the full nefs of the root unlefs cultivated. It appears we had the feeds originally thence; though we have 1 fo long cultiv 1 the plant fromthofe ripened in our gardens, that it has been Paftinacha fativa. 77 ‘SF 3 Gy 4 WH ER BAL, forgottén. C. Bauhine calls it Pafinach All knowthe ufe of the roots in food; they are very nourifhing and wholefome. NM U; nS BRITIS H Hogs Fennel. Peucedanum vulgare. PLS 7. ¢ The root is long andthick, and at the topis ufually covered with a fhagey matter, formedof the ribs of decayed ftalks : it is Gh on the outfide, green within, and, when cif, yields a yel- low juice of a ftrong unpleafanc {mell. Thefirft leaves are placed, on feng footttalks : they are large, and they stig and fubdi- ade offijuice of the root with ho¢/ ent in aftMinatiGlcates, Brionof it ophyates” byurine, andis good vided by threes into a multituge ye narrow fegments. 4 Theftalk isa yard high,PhiateAgond branched ; tructions of WpVifcera. y a/ and the leaves are placedirregulalfy on it, and are like thofe from the roor. ~Y / GY"i Il. good outtwarp n N SHEPHERDS N LORD TL TUM, THE flowers are difpofed in moderately large, irregular umbells, on footftalks ; and have at the bottoma kind of cup, formed offeveral lo flower is compofed of five regular petals, which are bent, and hear The feeds are large'and roundifh, two gro her, andthey have Linnzus places this among the pent ftyles two. livided and fu w leaves. 1e cup is fmall: ve, and the 1. Great Tordylium. Tordylium majus. EW TS flO Ne: FC a “4 The root is long, flender, and hung with a few ftraggling fibres. The firft leaves are large, and divided in the pinnated manner into numerous, fhort, obtufe fegments. The ftalk is firm, upright, andfive feet high: it is fttiated, a little hairy, as are alfo the leaves, and is divided into feveral branches toward the The root is long, flender, white, and hung with a few fibres. The firft leaves are large, and fupported on long footftalks: they are compofed each of a great number offmall, fhort, and broad fegments, which have alfo their feparate long footftalks. The ftalk is round, ftriated, branched, and top. about a foot high. The leaves are placed alternately on it; and they refemble thofe from the roor, ‘but that they are fmaller. The flowers are fmall and white. The feeds are large, flat, and broad, brown or redifh in the middle, and whitifh at the edges. We have it in dry paftures, and under hedges, but not common. It flowers in July. C. Bauhine calls it Seféli Creticum majus, Others, J We have no Englifh namefor any plant of this genus. refemble thofe from the root, but that they are GE N HOGS PL EVULC The leaves are placed irregularly on it; and fmaller, The flowers are {mall and white. The feeds are large, and very beautiful: they form together a kind of flat fruit, which has a whitith curled edge. It is foundin our fouthern counties, but is not common. It flowers in July. C. Bauhinecalls it Se/éli Creticum minus. The feeds are carminative; and they workalfo by urine. #Usriog IV. FENNEL, beaded NU ei, "THE flowers are difpofed in a very large umbel, upon divided and fubdivided branches; whole is furroundedat its bafe by’a number of narrow, crool <ed or twifted leaves. is compofed of five oblong, undivided petals; and the cup to it is fmall, and divided dents at the edge, Linnzus pl aces the ftyles two. HE flowers are difpofed in fmall un but a few oblong leaves to the fubdivifions, a heart-fafhioned fhape. The cup is very minute. gtow together; andeachis rounded and ftriated on the Linnzus places this among the pentandria digynia ; thé The feeds are oblong and ftriated. this among the pentandria digynia ; the threads in the Bower being three, an¢ OME Shepherds Needle. Scandix vulvaris: PLITOT Scandix vulgaris. L% Ly The root is long, flender; white, and hung With a few flight fibres. The leaves are fmall, and fupported on fhort footftalks : they are very finely divided ; andtheir colour is a very dark green. The ftalks are numerous, green, branched, and a foot high. DIVISION IL minor. Theroot is long, flender, white, and furnifhed with a few fibres, The leayes are divided into numerous and very fmall feoments; and they havea pleafant {mell. The ftalks are numerous, branched, ftriated, and a foot high, Go Bo C. Bauhine calls it Scandix femine ro garis, Others, Peéten Veneris, Its virtues are not known. EXO) ROE 1 GON Small Shepherds Nettle. Se It is commonin corn-fields, and flowers Auguft, YS oP hte 1s) The leaves are placedalternately on the their footftalks furround the ftalk at t theyare like thofe from the root, but fmalle The flowers ftand at the extremities ofthe branches in little umbells; and they are {mall and white. The feeds are long, and veryflender. Ic ic commonin the Greek iflands, where they eat the young leavesin fallads. C. Bauhine calls it Scandix Crei a minor. N Us CHER VILL VI. CHAR OPIAY LL Gale THE flowers are difpofed in broad, {preading umbells, on divided and fubdivided branches; and P they have no cup to furround their bafe at the ftalk, but fome long leaves underthe fubdivifions. Each floweris compofed of five bent andheart-fafhioned petals. The cupis very minute ; and the feeds are oblong, flender, and pointed at the top, rounded on the outfide, and flat Within, Linneus places this among the pentandria digynia; the threads being five, andthe ftyles two in tach flower. D1IVi1- |