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Show ———— 412 The feeds are {mall andftriated. It is commonon ditch-banks, and in gardenground, and flowers in June C. Bauhine calls it Cicuta m petrofe iis. Others, Cicutaria, and Cicuta fatua mi the root, and they fame manner as thofe from . green pale fame ofthe are of. the branches The flowers growat the tops with numerous, unded furro ls, umbel little in ng 2 kind of gelong, and flender leaves, formi neral cup. B.xoittinne Nin WATER Thee’ BERG ALL. BRETISH Thi XIX, VY S HEMLOCK. Pon fk tb goNeD Rol OU Ie BRL Ti § H DIVISTON™ French Meadow-Saxifrage. The root is long and thick, brown on the outfide, white within, and of an aromatick tafte: it js ufually divided at the top into fmall heads ; and they are edged with a hairy fubftance, formed of the fibres of decayed ftalks. Thefirft leaves are large, and of a pale green; and they are divided into numerous, {mall, pointed fegments. G Bas ‘The feeds are oval, and fmooth. The ftalk is very thick nin casi geP i: aie Hence ; Bsa threads being five, and the ftyles two in E :nicked at the top, and bent down. i little and firm. 4 Linnzusplaces this among the pentandria digynia 5 the N SAM 4 foot e4 FR OREIGNY Sefeli pratenfe Monfpefulanum. Mou B umbells on divided and fubdivided branches: thete ate nd Bee flowers are difpofed in large the fubat each ofain ofME at the bottom ftand am ; but feven ee leaves att the bafe of thefiritJ divifion ths aes pointed, a h flower is compofed of five petals: they are a wearers fions : thefe are long and fharp-pointed. E Th I, fH ERB As ORECTES The ftalk is triated, anda yard high. The leaves on it refemble thofe from the root; but they are.fmaller; and they are of a yellowith green colour. The flowers are {mall and white; and the feeds, when ripe, are brown. It is commonin paftures in France, C, Bauhinecalls it Sefeli praten/e. U $s BI RE XXI. Crm Bedak &.MaoaAe HE flowers are difpofed in large hemifpherical umbells, on divided and fubdivided branches: each flower. Water Hemlock. Phellandriamaquaticum. WL397 The root is compofed of numerous very long fibres. The firft leaves are large, and divided into a multitude of {mall, flender parts, and fplit as it were at the ends: they are of a pale green. The ftalk is a yard high, and of a vaft thick- nefs: it is of a pale green; and toward the top The leaves on this refemble thofe fromthe root, and are ofa faint green. The flowers are fmall and white; andthey {tand in great umbells at the tops of the branches, The feeds are large and brown. It is a native of the waters, and loves foft, muddy bottom. We have it in all our fen-counties, and in fome other places. It flc i C. Bauhine calls it Cicutaria paluftr Others, Cicuta paluftris, and Phe divides into numerous branches. NiO Gay XX, There are long andnarrow leaves at the bafe, both of the larger and f{maller divifions, Each flower is compofedof five petals; which are of an oval figure, and little bent down. The cup is very fmall. Thefeeds are oblong, ftriated, and rounded on one fide. Linnzusplaces this among the -pentandria digynia; the threads in the flower being five, and the ftyles two. Fiefhy-leaved Crithmum, Crithmum foliis crafis. 703 Qu 4 The root is long, thick, flefhy, and of a very agreeable aromatick tafte. The firft leaves are very large; and they aré divided into numerous, fmall, but thick and ficthy fegments, of a pale green colour; and of a faltifh, but not difagreeable tafte. The ftalk is round, thick, ftriated, and fpread- MEADOW-SAXIFRAG E, Sar S BL dL BRITISH Meadow-Saxifrage. Sefeli pratenfe vulgare, ALSFQnk The root is long, thick, and hung with a few fibres: it is brown on the outfide, white within, and of anacrid tafte. The firft leaves are placed on long footftalks : andare large, and of a deep green: they are divided into very {mall, narrow fegments, The ftalk is upright, ftriated, and toward the top divided into branches: it is of a yellowifh green, and two feet high, The leaves make an excellent, agreeable, and wholefomepickle, 1, are difpofed in umbells, on divided and fubdivided branches. There dre no leaves HEflowers T at the bafe ofthe principal branches ; but at the places of their fubdivifion there fland feveral, which are long and flender.. Each flower is compofed of five petals; and they are heart-fafhioned, anda little bent. ‘The cup is very minute. The feeds are oval, and convex, ftriated on one fide, and {mooth on the other. Linnzus places this among the pentandria digynia, the threads being five, and the ftyles in each flower two, PVT St OLN ing; and it is two feet high. The leaves refemble thofe from the root ; and they are placed onthe ftalk, irregularly. The flowers are {mall and yellow. Thefeeds are brown. It iscommon about our fea-coafts, and flowers in July. C. Bauhine calls it Crithmum five feniculum marinum minus. SP.E.CLES. The flowers ftand at the tops of the branches3 and are fmall and. yellowith Thefeeds are brown, and of an acridtafte. Ger NeaU-=s FEN PG HE flowers are difpofed in large umbells, on divided and fubdivided branches, without any F leaves under either. Each flower is compofed of five petals; and they are oblong, fharp- in 3 i tage, and thofe‘ of fennel being naked. DIVISION I. BR ITS H gree. It is common in our meadows, and flowers in June. Sefeli pratenfis, and Silaus Anglicus. N EL. N IC. U0 LM. Pointed, and bent. The cup is very minute; and the feeds are oblong, ftriated, and naked. Linneus places this among the pentandria digynia ; the threads being five, and the ftyles two in each flower. This author takes away the received name, not allowing fennel to be a diftiné genus, but accounting it a fpecies of dill. ‘The difference is however obvious ; the feeds of di// having a membranaceous The roots of this plant are diuretick ; and the feeds carminative, both in a very eminent de- J. Bauhine calls it Saxifraga Anglorum. Others, XXII: CommonFennel. Faniculum vulgare. FO59° 2 The root is long, thick, white, and furnifhed with numerous fibres. Thefirft leaves are very large, and of a dark aad they are divided into innumerable fine The ftalk is upright, round, branched, and four feet high. The leaves on this refemble thofe from the Toot; and are of the famegreen colour. N° gr, SP Bess. The flowers are fmall and yellow. The feeds are brown, and ofa fharp aromatick tafte. It is common wild in our northern counties, and every where in gardens. It flowers in July. C. Bauhine calls it Faeniculum vulgare Germani cum, Others, Fa It is ufed at our tables; andis alfo excellent in medicine. The root is a powerful and fafe diuretick ; and a decoétion ofit is good in the jaundice, and all obftruétions of the vifcera. 5 N DIV 1. |