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Show Th HERBAL BRITISH Gz Boe Ni Uy 5S x. DARNELL BRITISH C. Bauhine calls it Gramen typhoides fpica anguftiore. Gos BistiN~= narrow and round, the other fhort and obtufe. Red Darnell, or Raygrafs. Mlghclt The root is a thick tuft of fibres. The leaves are of adeep green, narrow, and fharp-pointed. The ftalk is a foot high, tough, and of a dufky green. The fpike is fat, fmall, and brown. It is common by way-fides, and. is fown in paftures for cattle. C. Bauhine calls it Gramen loliaceum angujtiore felio et fpica. Cie Wehave four other fpecies of it, by the following characters: 1, White Darnell Grafs, Gray longiore, five Lolium « and whitith. 2. Small Sea Darnell Grafs, G rinum fpica loliacea, The {pi hard. 3. Dwarf hard Darnell Grafs, Gramen pumi. lum loliaceo fimile maritimum, The leaves brownifh. UD aN gars XI, GRASS. F O.x TA LL GRAMEN-ALOPECUROIDES. HE cup contains but one flower :, it is and terminate in feathery hairs. The longer, and has two {mall and ftrait awns The two firft are ftrait, this crooked: the . Dwarf Foxtail Grafs, with a filvery p fpike, G7 f j i puro argentea mollo, . Great Enelith Marth Foxtail Grafs, ros maxima Anglica. Very large, places nearthe fea. . Rough-eared Foxtail Grafs, roides [pica ofpera~brevi. rough, Befide this, we have four other fpecies, which will be fufficiently diftinguifhed by the following characters : G E N U MOUSETAIL GRAMEN Great Moufetail Grafs. The rootis fibrous. The leaves are of a faint green, 8 The Greateft Catftail Grafs. eamen SO prob Wehave three others; ‘ ae ap 1. Leffer Catttoil Graf The root is fibrous, The ftalk is jointed, hollow, and a foot and half high The leaves are of a greyifh green, The fpike is long, flender, greyifh, and very rough to the touch. It iscommonin paftures, and flowers in June, C. Bauhine calls it Gramen t les afperum primum, Others, Gramentyp Geek «N~ A low plant, with a very {pike. 2. Knobby-rooted Catftail Grafs, Gr very rough, 33. Sea Catftail G mum than upwards, ‘US CRESTED ven typhinu e fmaller at the b. XI, GRAS s CRISTATUM. HE {pike is compofed of two or moreferies of flowers, which turn one way. Thereis a partial cup, formed of one pointed leaf, and ftanding fideways, The proper cup contains fevera flowers ; andis ftrait, narrow, and formed of two qual valves, The flower is compofed of t valves: the outer one hollow, with an awn; the inner plain and naked. Smooth Crefted Grafs. Wehave three o Gramen criftatum vu 1, Square Crefted Grafs, G7 Theroot is Abrous. fibrous. dratum. Theleaves are of a fine green. F 7 The ftalk *is a foot andhalf I nigh, flender, and of a pale green. The fpike’ is crefted, long, flender, andyellowith. r j : It flowers in May in meadows. criff This has four rows of flo 2. Small Mountain fpiked Grafs, with a thick, hort. blue fpike. a fhort, blue ff re _S GRASS, GUE MYOSUROIDES. HEcupcontains but one flower; andis formed of two valves, of an oval form, hollow, prefied, and pointed. The flower confifts of a fingle, hollow valve, which has a lo rifing from its back near the bafe. Linnzus ranges this with the reft among the¢ri dria digynia. : Gramen my XIII. a fpike is rough. The cup Contains one flower: it is formed of two valves, and is ob] and compreffed. The valves are equal; and they terminate in fhort awns. The flower formedof two valves, and is fhorter than the cup: the outer valve is the larger, and it clofes about the inner, whichis fmaller. Linnzus places this with the ériendria, GRAMEN 1. Spiked F. culatum fiicatum. flenderer. It is commonin meadows, and flowers in May. C. Bauhine calls it Gramen phalarcides majus, Jive Italicum, Others, Alopecurus. § GRAMEN TYPHINUM. formed of two valves; which are oblong, very narrow, flower is compofed of two valves: the outer is the from its end, and a third from the middle of its back. innervalve is fmall, and pointed. CommonFoxtail Grafs. Gramen alopecuro The root is fibrous, The ftalk is a yard high. The leaves are narrow, long, and of a greyifh green; and they appear dufty. The fpike is thick, and of a pale greyifh colour. Uie. CATSTAIL GRASS. Linneus places this with the reft among the triandria digynia. Gramenloliaceumanguftiore folio. 2. Knobby-rooted Moufetail Grafs, Gramen mybrownitfh and ofuroides nodofum. The fpike rownith a P foe, é 1. Leffler Moufetail Grafs, with crooked awns, HEcup contains feveral flowers, arranged in two feries clofe to the talk: it is formed of is4 The flower is compofed of two valves: the lower igi va ve. inte fingle, oblong, pointed, rigid Gi g H' ER B-A'L. Gramen myofuroides mi recurviss Wehave twoothers: LOLIAGEUM. GRAMEN The CLO, Cokes 2OLO) T GRAMEN GER DACTYLUM. 1 a fpikes are numerous, and fpread in the manner of fingers. There is a common (< Containing many flowers; and this is formed of feveral. very narrow leaves, of unequal i ‘ettion. The ftalk is two feet high, flender, firm, 29 of a pale green. “he fpike is rough, hard, fler tinged with red, but fometimes It is commonin paftures GaN The cup contains only one flower’; andis compofedof three oval and pointed ‘maller than the others. 5 |