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Show 528 Th HERBAL. BRITISH Give EN S gu G-VE. and confifts of a few broad, thick divifions. "THE leaf has a long footftalk. feeds are placedin lines. Tt is common onold walls. C. Bauhinecalls it Ruta muraria, ye The ftalk is of a pale green; and the leaf is alfo of a whitith green on the upper-fide, ‘and us 1. Black Maidenhair. covered with a whitifh duft underneath. The plant is ten inches high. The ftalk is naked, and ofa gloffy black. The pinne are broad, of a dark green, and deeply cut. The feeds ftand in rows on the under-fide. G_E N Ua TRUE MAIDENHAIR. CAPILLUS S$ Tt is common in woods. C. Bauhinecalls it Adiantum foliis longioribus pulverulentis. Xs We have fix cther {pecies, VENERIS. x. Baftard-hemlock-leaved Maidenhair, Adian- broad fegments. *T BE leaf has a long footftalk ; and is divided into numerous, The feedsare placed in whitelines at their edges. Wehave three other fpecies. The True Maidenhair. Capillus veneris verus. LOZ sO The root confifts of numerous fibres. The ftalk is black and gloffy. Theplant is fix inches high. Thepinnz are of a pale green; and the rows of feeds below are whitifh. Wehave it in Wales. C. Bauhine calls it Adiantumfoliis coriandri. tum nigrum pinnulis cicutarie divifuyra, A tender plant. 2, Small, flowering, Black Maidenhair, Adiantum crifpum alpinum. “'Thefe two are By fome called white maidenbairs. 1. Tunbridge Maidenhair, Capillus veneris pufillus foliis bifidis vel trifidis. 2. Great Maidenhair, Capillus veneris pediculo pallide rubente. A plant of a foot high. 3. Green Scotifh Maidenhair, Capillus veneris folio NIGRUM 3. Round-leaved Black Maidenhair, Fizz elégans 7 2. Narrow-leaved, tall, White Maidenhair, 4/7. antum album elatius pinnulis angufticribus, XI. The pinnae are fubdivided into broad, Jagged fegments, ‘The Adiantumnigrum vulgare. 72 "hte £2 Wehave oneother fpecies. The leaves are numerous, and two inches high. HERBA qf. MAIDENHAIR. ADIANTUM The feeds cover the whole under-furface. ‘The root is a tuft of fibres. N BLACK ALBUM. ADIANTUM 1. White Maidenhair. Adiantum album. BRITISH IX MAIDENHAIR. WHITE "THE leaf has a naked footftalk, Th adianto nigro accedens Segmentis rotundioribus. 4. Dwarf Black Maidenhair, Filix pumila petrea adianti nigri emula. Scarce two inches _ hight 5. Fine cut Black Maidenhair, Filin minor Tongéfolia pinnulis tenuiffimis laciniatis. In Ireland. 6. Winged Maidenhair, Adiantum nigrum ‘lato caule, The leaves gloffy. and dark green. PO S 40/35: This is the compleat lift of Engli/b ferns and capillary plants, Many virtues are attributed to them ; but ex- perience does not fupport the account: The common male fern and the ofmund royal are cele- brated againft the rickets ; and many have tried them, but unfuccefsfully. The Maidenbairs are eminently good againft diforders of the breaft and lungs. eei a { if i aa th { |IWh i Th END of te THIRTY-FOURTH CLASS; ny it i rt obtufo faturate viridi. After thefe there ftands in the Synop/is Stirpium Britanicarum, an imaginary plant. A leaf of the white wood anemone. Wee ie G E NESW FEMALE S XI. (FERN. Ps Bobet nied Ni A, HE leaf is compofed of very numerous pinne, on fubdivided footftalks. The feeds are placed in round dots. 1. Common Female Fern: Filix femina vulgaris. AoyGutt Theplantis five feet high. The ftalk is thick and green. The pinnz are oblong, and of a pale green; Filix ramofa pinnulis dentatis, The leaves dark green. . Small, branched Mountain Fern, Filix montana ramofa minor argute denticulata. 4. Ofmund Royal, Filix ramofa non dentata fi- rida. Thefeeds cluftered on the topsof the and thefeeds are placed on their back in fmall, round, ferrugineous dots. . Small, branched, Sea, Stone Fern, Filicula It is common on heaths. C, Bauhinecalls it Filix ramofa major pinnulis Jaxatilis ramofa maritima. Of a pale green. . Dwarf, branched Fern, Filix ramofa minor. obtufis now dentatis. Others, Filix femina. Wehavefix other fpecies. 2. Great, Branched Fern, with indented leaves, branches. This is the plant called dryoptris by Tragus- . Fine cut Stone Fern, with flender, brittle ftalks, Filix faxatilis caule tenui fragilt. |