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Show tI ETREBOAFL, ByRa PAS A is oblongis ariftis pur. G tail Grafs, Gramen murorum Jpica fmooth fpikes, and ca avenacea picis ha- A very beautiful grafs on walls. . Small, panicled Oatgrafs, Gramen panicul ? b many full pikes, and a chaffyone at Gramen eyperoides fpicis tribus fubrotundis vix thetop. aculeatis. a ce . Cyperus Grafs, with fhort, diftant {pikes Gramén cyperoides [picis brevibus diftantibus, ; Narrow-leaved Cyperus Grafs, 7 Lo.2s GEN Uecs XIX. men cyperoides majus angupifolium. © TREMULUM. /FAHEcup is compofedof two valves, and contains feveral flowers, ranged in a double feries, and fhape, and 4 in a heart-like form: the two valves compofing this are hollow, of a heart-like of the equal in fize. The flower is formed of two valves: the lower is of the fhape and bignefs cup; thetupper is very {mall, flat, and roundifh; and is placed fo as to fhut up the hollow of the her. feed is roundifh. es this among the triandria 1. redifh, > Quaking 3 Grafs. Gramen tremulum majus. 7727, / 4 and tremble on their footftalks; thence The root is fibrous. the name. It is commonin paftifres, and flowers in May. C. Bauhine calls it Gramen tremulum majus. The ftalk is flender and pale; and at the top pports numerous, layge heads, on very flender We have one other fpecies : 2, Small Quaking Grafs, Gramen tremulumminis The leaves are narrow, and of a faint green, panicula flalks: thefe are of a pale brown, tinged with Ge EON -U vs ampla locuftis parvis triangulis. The leaves are long, narrow, and of a fine green. The ftalk is two feet high, of a paler green, and exactly three fquare. The fpikes are few, and ftand toward the top 5 and the uppermoft, which is light and chaffy, is thicker than the others: this’ is yellowifh, the others are black. It is common by waters, and flowers in May. C. Bauhine calls it Gramen cyperoides majus ane gufifolium. We have a vaft number of other fpecies. 2, Great Vernal Cyperus Grafs, Gramen cyperoides cum paniculis nigris. root is compofed of numerous, thick are long, narrow, of a fine green, hrly with long, brown hairs. . ? 2 wy is a foot and half high ; and at its 7 confpicuous flowers, of abrownifh ged with a little white, and placed y on long, flender footftalks, rifing from one mon point at the head of the principal It is common in woods, flowering in May. majus latifolium. But thereis a larger kind. 2. Great hairy Wood Grafs, with a rufhy pa nicle, Gramen hirfutum elatius panicula juncea compacia. ; 3. Greateft, broad-leaved, hairy Wood Grafs, aan statin : Gramen nemorofum hirfutum latifolium mor mum. 4: Small, hairy Wood Grafs, Gramen exile and futum. Common in woods, paftures, heaths, in April. ey alae Jpicis brevibus congeftis folio moll. 20. Slender-leaved Cyperus Grafs, Gramen cypes roides tenuifolium. A {mall kind, with a few thick fpikes. PCH. 24, 22,28 2. Thofe with feveral {pikes at the-top of the ftalk. , but no chaffy one. 21. Marfh Cyperus Grafs, with loofe fpikes; ~ Gramen cyperoides paluftre elatius {pica longiore laxa. Cyperus Grafs, with a head compofed of foft {pikes, Gramen cypéroides [pica e |picis pluri bus mollibus compofita. Gramen cyperoides [pica e pluribus [picibus longioribus compofita. . Sea Cyperus Grafs, with a compound {pikes ‘amen maritimum cyperoides [pica compofita. . Elegant Cyperus Grafs, with a rough compounded head, Gramen cyperoides [pica coms 5 folits caryophylleis Grafs, with pendulous foliis caryophylleis mpofed of two valves: the inner or proper cup is formed of fix oblongs ich are coloured, and by fome have beencalled petals. The feed-vefltl is , and contains feveral roundifh feeds. ia, the threads being fix. among the bea amen nemorofumbirfutum vulgare. prickly(kes, HOD 9 « Soft-leaved Cyperus Grafs, Gramen cypercides s, with erect feffile XX. C. Bauhinecalls it Gramen nemorofum birfutum q tec5 Hedgehog Grafs, Gramen palufire . Marth Cyperus Grafs, with a divided head} Gramencyperoides ex monte Ballace fpica divulfa. WOOD GRASS. AZ, The leaves broad, and Gramen cypes roides vernum minimum. The heads brownithé dark. . Pink-leaved Cyperus Grafs, with large feeds, ‘oliis caryophylleis granis tu- GRAMEN NEMOROSUM. 1. Hairy Wood Grafs. . The leaft Vernal CyperusGrafs, leis under the. furface, and. has The root creeps f QUAKING GRASS. GRAMEN XXI. This obvious. diftinétion feparates them from all other plants, better than the ftruture of theifflowers, which is uncertain in the feveral kinds; this markis invariable : us places them among the ¢riandria. partim [pecan pani "38 rPHE leaves are long and narrow, and the ftalks triangular. tum bromoides minus paniculis ariftatis unam Purple-awned Oatgrals, Fefuca ela jor SN—4U CY PRUS°G RASS. GRAMEN CYPEROEDES men av umetorum panicula /parfa, . Fine awned Oargrafs, Gramen avenaceum ne fees raris ftrigofis compo- ‘Jima nutante. -E= Ht Ban SRA Sait Gramen cypen us ifimis foliis pics eyperoides polyIn bogeyplaces. owith ee Grafs with’ fhort fpikes, hion flavicans fpicis 2 a fpiked Cyperus Grafs, Gramen 's teretibus ereéiis. rpad W ood Cyperus Grafs, Gramen rumtenuins {picatum. red, broad-leaved Cyperus Grafs, men cyperoides latifolium Jpicis multis firiGrafs, with a fhort pendulous , Gramen cyperoides fpica pendula, breBy. waters. fpiked Cyperus Grafs, with long pen. yellow-fpiked Cyperus Grafs, Gravides precox fpicis turgidis teretibus fvetcentibus. . Cyperus Grafs, with a few roundifh fpikes, . Cyperus Grafs, with a foft, compound head, : L pofita afpertore. Elegant. Cyperus Grafs, with a foft head} ica compofita mole. Gramen cyperoides ele 28- Greater-fpiked Cyp us Grafs, Gramen cyperoides palufire majus [pica con rofita. The leffer fpiked Cyperus Grafs, Gramen eyperoides [picatum mings, ‘The ftalk droops? The lefferffpiked Cyperus Crewith an interrupted fpike, @ramen ¢ vulfa minus. . Narrow-leaved, fhort-fpiked Gramen eypercides anguftifolium [picis brevibus in foliorumalis. The leaft prickly-headed, fpiked Cyperus Grafs, Gramen cypero : fpicatum minimum pica divulfa aculeata, . Flea-Grafs, Gramen cyperoides minimum femt. gis deorfumreflexis puliciformibus. Flat-fpiked Cyperus Grafs, Gramten cyperoides Spica fimplici compreffa difticha. Small Cyperus Grafs with a crowfoot-heads culi capitulo Gramen cyperoides minimumTa ’ J rotundo. Grafs, Gra. Long crowfoot-headed Cyperus longiores capitulo rani minus mencyp ‘ eroides GENUS |