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Show 12 TBE BRITISH HERB AL F ‘ the capfule a ® It is fingular, that a ftrudture and formin ofBaths this plant, : : “2% tnon obferver fo ftrongly as to obtain a peculiar (name, exprefling an eer : . Sa head of an animal, fhould not haveappeared to this curious and nice differences, a mark fufficient for a generical diftinction. DAWA TF ONT 4 ak. 7a ffuly and quickly fade whenthe ftalkrifes, The ftalk is round, branched, eight or ten inches high, andof a pale greencolour. The leaves ftand irregularly, and are not very numerous: they have no footftalks, and they are oblong, narrow, andof a pale green. The flowersrife from the bofoms of the leaves All thefe /napdragms agree in virtues with our i ll did L Gack IE a mixed colour, part red, and part whitith. The feed-veffel is large; and, to a fanciful Hk Rp At commonwild kind, operating by ftool and urine but, the toadflax poffeffing theif. virtues in fuperior degree, they have not come where in medicine. the head ofa calf. It is common in cornfields, efpecially where the foil is poor and fandy C. Bauhine calls it dz. It is the only fpecies of /nape properly wild in England. the great purple fnapdragon upon walls; but that is owing to feeds flying up with the wind out of gardens: forit grows naturally in warmerclimates This fimall /napdragon poffeffes the virtues of toadflax, but in a veryinferior degree, F.OFR ti -G N #5 P E Cul Bs, thick, fhort fpike, andare very large, and of a 7K yeps beautiful yellow. The feed-veffel is large, and the feeds are fmall The root confifts of a great tuft of fibres, and round. tifing from a {mall head. It is a native of the fouth of France, and The ftalks are numerous, round, {mooth, firm, flowers in June, upright, and two foot and a half highs; fomeC, Bauhine calls it Antirrbinum luteo flore. times they are branched, fometimes fingle, Camerarius, num flore luteo majori. Lin Theleaves are numerous and large: they are nzus fets this down only as a variety of th of a pale green, and are long andbroad, not at preceding fpecies; but he errs in this. all divided or indented at the edges, and of a the colour of the flower were the only di flefhy, thick fubftance. rence, we fhould e with him in making The flowers grow in long, loofe fpikes at the no more than a variety, but the leaves ¢ tops ofthe ftalks and branches: they are very much as the reft of the plant, and large, and of a beautiful red, fometimes white, traordinary bignefs i and have the {pace betweenthe two lips perfectly ditional ci filled up by a prominent palate. would not be reg i The feed-veffel is large, and the feeds are numarkof a different fpecies, any more th: merous and fmall. riation in colour; but when other circumftances It is a native of the fouth of France. The eftablifh the diftinction thefe fupport it. flowers, in the wild ftate, vary in colour from Antirrbinum purpureum majus. the deepeft purple to the paleft flefh colour, and even to white. J. Bauhine calls it Antirrbinum vulgare. C. Bauhine, Anti um majus alterum folio longio Others, Axtirrbinum purpureum, 2. Great-flowered yellow Snapdragon. um flore magno fic The root is long and large, divided into many parts, and furnifhed with a great quantity of fibres. The ftalks are numerous, round, thick, firm, upright, and a yard high; fometimes branched, but moreufuallyfingle. The leaves are large, of a pale green, and hairy: they are broader in proportion to their length than in the former fpecies, and have footftalks. The flowers ftand at the top of the ftalk in a 3. Variegated-flowered Snapdragon, Antirrbinumfi / Theroot is {mall, <ed, The ftalks are nu a foot and half high: the and are of a pale whitith ¢ egatis. and woody. end The leaves ftand ir andhaveno foot ftalks: they are long, narrow, fmooth, and of a pale green, not at all inder pointed, and morelike the lea toadflax than any ofthe /uapdragons. The flow ow all the way upthe ftalks, rifing from the bofomsof the leaves; andtl y are placed on longifh, flender footftalks : are very beautif coloured; the body of 7 Dillenius Virong IV. ELATIN&. E flower is fmall: it confifts of a fingle petal, andis of the labiated kind: it is formed of a tube, with {pur, two lips, and a palate between them. The cupis dividedinto five parts: the feed-ve ffel is roundifh; ‘and, when r sr arly ¢ the ftalks are weak and procumbent, and theleaves broad and hairy. aD is one ofthe angiofpermia of Linnzeus ; the flower aving two longer and two fhorter threads, andthe feeds being containedin a capful e. This author does not allowelatine to be a diftin@ genus, but confounds this and the / one common name andcharaéter, with the autirrbinum. The difference between this plant and dinaria, in flower and feed-veffel, is much lefs than be the Uizeria and antiy #; and, Mr. Ray, who feparates thofe genera, a whichthey are diftinguifhed, joins this to the dinaria, However, as the ¢ in its form and manner of growing, and hasits properand antient name, I have ke pt i i has diftiné&virtues, as well as a particular appearance, and I fhall always, on fuch occ fions, when the flower or feed-veffel do not fufficiently diftinguifh the plant, have recourfe to the ftalks, ft leaves, or other obvious and efféntial parts, for the fupporting the antient andufeful diftin@tions. There are but two known fpecies of this genus, and both ate-natives of B 2. Cornered-leave: 1. Round-leaved Fluellin. et. Llatine folio « Elatine felio fubrotundo, The: root is fmall, white, divided, and furnifhed with numerous fibres, The firft leaves are moderately large, and nearly round, only terminating in a kind of point: they ftand on long, flender, hairy footftalks, and are foft to the touch, and of a pale gteyifh green. The ftalks are numerous, flender, round, weak, andfix oreight inches long They do not ftand ereét,. but trail and hang upon the ground. Theleaves mall, and_fupported onflendér footftalks : they are a pale green, and hairy. Thofe toward the bottom of the ftalk are roundifh, and refemble thofe. from the root: thofe toward the top are narrower, and oblong, The flowers are fmall, and ofa mixt yellowith and dark purple colour: they refemble thofe of have alongfpur. toadflax, and The feed-veffél is {mall and roundifh, and the and brown. feeds are very minute We have it in cornfi is not common, It flowers in JJu C. Bauhine Ray, Li call it Fe E flower being of a fnow white, and the edges of gold yellow. It is a native of Italy, and flowersin July. aN Bey (Uae dT imagination, may eafily be fuppofed to reprefent 1. Great purple Snapdragon. iy \ Dillenius calls it Antirrhinum flore albo oris luteis. all the way up the flalks: they are fall, andof The root is long, flender, white, crooked, hard, and furnifhed with a few fibres. Thefirft leaves are long and narrow: they rife in a {mall tuft, and have no footftalks: they are undividedat the edges, ofa pale yellowifh green, BL Vides 1 ON, “B°R1 "TF S*H° BR Dim] Ssheeas Pek © Ine SF Common, fmall Snapdragon. Antirrbinum vulgare minus. The which could o Retle theStn comart which ftrike GHantnaig waTapct ik st imaginary refemblance ofa theP ived C ait Bat ness obferver of the moft minute N The root is fmall andi The firft leaves are placed on long footftalks : j ° fomewhat of an arrow-headed fhape, bu corners do not bend backwards, but ftand forward. The ftalks are numerous of apale whitith green, eight orten inc and lie upon the The leaves { ‘gularly, and at confiderable diftance -y are large, hairy, of a very pale green, and cornered toward thebate. Theflowers are fmall, and are of a mixt colour between yellowifh and a deep purple: they ry pretty though fmall, Tt is common in our cornfields, and flowers in July. it Z luteo. Ray, Li is famous as a vulnerary. The juice ofit cleanfes and | old ulcers . d it has all times been in efteem as a good ard medicine for internal bruifes, Uns V. CYMBALARIA, fifts oF a fingle petal, and is of the cl and a pa 3 two lips; ] 7 The to Ss beaten into a conferve, are the beft way of taking it for this purpofe; but at prefent they much ufed, labiated kind: it is formed into at between them. |