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Show Th 4.20 BRITISH green, The ftalk is round, firm, of a bluifh : anddividedinto a valt many branches. it; and The leaves are placed irregularly on - broad, deeply ferrated, fharp-pointed, ickly. “he flowers ftand in thick tufts ; andthey are HERBAL, a the’ BARE TT Scr Hh heb Aer, ee, The feeds are brown. ow Tt is a native of our fea-coafts, and flowers in June. C. Bauhine calls it Ery: m maritimum, Byes! Our people, Sea-bolly NN Ui Dak iLL, x8 Ill. Asc INi kre Dh EP Ur Te flowers ftand in large umbells: each is compofed of five petals; and they are bent, and not fplit at the {mall and white. top. SM, ST, A, AAM, AM Me BOPP HEL I CommonDill. Anetbum vulgare. nN GENERA. SUCa. 0 The root is long, lender, and hung with a few fibres. Theftalk is round, ftriated, and four feet high. The leaves ftand at fmall diftances; and both thefe and thofe from the root are divided into a multitude of very minute fegments. naturally wild in this country. The flowers ftand in large umbells at the tops are nearly ach is compofedof fivepeta EF, flowers are c » and has five lin fize, and bent and t rt-fathioned at the top. The cupis veryfr d with membranesin fourridges. e large, ia GiZyNiG digynia ;5 bbut ut he allowit i to bebe aa diltinet diftin& genus, genus 12 he doe does not allow is among the per. The feeds ae Linneusplaces this among the pentandria digynia ; and he Joins it in the fame ¢ genus with fennel, from which it differs in the feeds, EOS of which The cup is very minute; but it has five divifions, of an oval figure, and edged with membranes. GierE N of the branches ; and they are fmall and yellow. The feeds are large and brown. It is a native of Spain, and flowers in July. C. Bauhine calls it Anethum bortenfe. Others, Anethum vulgare. The feeds are warm and carminative. They are good againft flatulences : they operate by urine, and they ftrengthen the ftomach. U § oe 2. (SP IV. eae: THE flowers are placed in great umbells at the tops of the ftalks; and each is compofed offive petals: thefe are oblong, bent, and pointed at the tips. The cup is very fmall. The feeds ate large ;_ and they are furrounded by a membrane, which is nipped at the top and bottom. The leaves on this refemble the others, but they are {maller, The flowers ftand in large umbells, and are yellow. long, and very thick. aves 5 are very large, and of a deep ofed of numerous pinne ; d, and irregularly heartbafe ; and are placed on divided The feeds are large and brown, Tt is a native of the warmer parts of Europe andflowers in July. C. Bauhine calls it Panax paftinache folio, Others, Panan Heracleum majus talk is round, upright, and fix feet high- Gabe 'N U Ss Linnzus places this among the pentandria digynia, as the others. Broad-leaved Thafpia, Thafpia latifolia. FC 04 The rootis.very large, long, and full of a dif“agreeable juice ; and at the top there ufually are a multitude of fibrous fubftances, in the manner of hairs, which are the remains of decayed footftalks. The leaves are very large, broad, and hairy; and they are divided into extremely {mall parts. Il: GatBioaN PER ANOLE 8: The ftalk: is thick, ftriated, and parted into many branches. Theflowers ftandat the tops in large umbells ; and they are fmall and yellow. The feeds are large and beautiful. It is a native of the warmer parts of Europe, and flowers in Augutt. C, Bauhine calls it Tha/pi latifolia villofa. Use’ § Vi FENN-EL-GLIANT. THE, flowers are placed in large, but round umbells; and each is compofedof five petals, which are nearly equal in fize, and are heart-fathioned and bent. The cup is very {mall. ‘The feeds are oval, ftriated, and rough. Linnaeus places this among the pentandria digynia, as the former ; but he makes it a fpecies of another genus. Black Libanotis. The leaves on it refemble thofe from the root, FER Libanotis umbella hemif[pherica, FL: Ban 2 but they are fmaller, The root is very large, and furnifhed: with a few. fibres, The firft leaves are broad, and fpreading: they are formed of a multitude of fmall parts, joined to a divided rib; and thefe are fharp-pointed, and ferrated. The ftalk is round, thick, divided at the top The flowersftand in vaft hemifpherical umbellss and are white, with a faint tinge of purplifh. Narrow-leaved Fennel Giant: The feeds are large and rough. It is a native of Germany, and flowers in Aur guft. cl C. Bauhiue calls it Daucus montanus ap't J® lio major. Others, Libanotis nigra Theophrafit. The root is very large, long, and furnifhed with a few fibres. | The ftalk is ix feet high, and toward the top 4tas divided into numerous branches. Ferula foliis capillactis. POCo.. 3 The leaves are placed irregularly on it; and thefe, as well as thofe from the root, are very into feveral branches, and fourfeet high. large, and are divided into innumerable fine fegments, GENUS OL Ay pene flowers ftand in great umbells, terminating:the branches. Each is compofed of five petals, equal in fize, oblong, and ftrait. The cup is very minute, but has five divifions. The feeds ate very large and flat; and each has three ridges, Linnaeus places this among ‘the pentandria dig’ynia, as the others. The flowers are fmall and yellow. The feeds are very large and brown: N° XL. It is a native of the fouthern parts of Europe, and flowers.in Augutt. C. Bauhinecalls it Ferula femina Phinii. Others, Ferula anguftifolia. 2. Broad-leaved Fennel-Giant. Ferula fegments latioribus, AA Ga. ¢ Theroot is very long and thick. Theplant grows to eight feet in height, and toward the top divides into many branches. The leaves are large, and of a deep green; andthey are divided into innumerable fegments, rs gP notfC |