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Show 356 . The BRITISH HE RBAL ‘The BAR@I}T 166 Hi HEAR BALL, SS Roce N VER V V ON, brown. monogynia; the threads in the flower being two, and the Linnzus places this among the diandria ftyle fingle. clafs with the Jycopus, and feparates it far from the By this arrangement he joins it in the fame other verticillate plants. L BRITISH SPECTLE'S. It is common by path-ways, and flowers in Common Vervain. Verbéna sulgaris. PEGI The root is compofed -of many thick, fhort fibres, conneéted to a:fmall oblong head. The ftalle is firm, upright, and. very tough : its colour is a brownifh green, often’red towards . the bafe; and it is edged and angulated. The leaves ftand in pairs: they are oblong, moderately broad, and. deeply finuated and indented : the indentings are rounded,. and the end of the leafis obtufe. The flowers are fmall, and of a:pale, faint colour, white, with-a tinge of bluifh or jpurplifh; June. C. Bauhine;calls'it' Verbena conimunis ceruleo flore.. Others, Verbena vulgaris, and Herba facra, It is a plant of great virtue, though under a general neglect: it is good againft:diforders of the nerves; and is fuperior to moft things in the cure of inveterate) headachs....For this purpole the tops fhould be:dried and powdered, and taken for a confiderable time, twenty, grains.as a dofe. The juice boiled to.a fyrup with honey is excellent againft coughs. The infufion, in manner of tea, is good againft and they ftand in long, flender fpikes at the tops | obftructions of the vifcera, and particularly of the fpleen. of the ftalks and branches, The feeds are oblong, fmall, and brown. Drv tS ro wd: FO BOE 1G New 1. Fine-leaved Vervain. Verbena’ tenuifolia, The. rootis fibrous. The ftalks are numerous, weak, and in great part procumbent : they are of a pale green, and angulated. The leaves are placed: in pairs; and they are oblong, moderately broad, and very beautifully divided: they are firft cut-in-a,‘pinnated manner; and thefe fegments are again divided pretty deeply. Their colouris a brownifh green. The flowers are fmall, and placed. in fingle, long, and very flenderfpikes. It is a native of Spain, and other warm parts of Europe. It flowers in July. C. Bauhinecalls it Verbena tenuifclia ; a name copied by moft others. This plant is an inftance of the extreme folly of placing the verticillate plants in diftinét claffes fromtheflight differences in the filaments of the flower. Linnzus feparates vervain from the reft of them; becaufe it has only two threads in the flower; anNi AD SP EvC4A Exs; whereas they have in general four ; but this fpecies of vervain has four threads, That author calls it Verbena tetrandra ; a contradiGtion in the moft exprefs words to his claffical character wherein vervain ftands, that being diandria. VI. HE flower is formed of a'fingle petal: itis tubular, and compreffed at the bottom, and at the opening is divided into two lips: the upper lipis undivided, plain, andlightly finuated at the ofthe flowers are end: the lower lipis fplit into three parts, nearly equal in bignefs. Numbers placed together in akind of fcaly head, ferving asa general cup. The feeds are naked, and four follow every flower. four threads, two of Linnzusplaces this among the didynamia gyinnofpermia ; the flower having in the cup. He joins fome other which are longer than the others, and the feeds ftanding naked ig to this. is the E proper origanums with i W ich we have treated diftinétly in their places, referving nts withit, plants Wel: Viel Sal ON, 1. Common Wild Marjoram. 037i < um vulgare. Orican ° ° The toot is compofed of a great many long, r flender, naked fibres. reThe tall is frm, upright, and of a very the gular growth : it is not branched5 but toward me manner top fends out forme fhoots in a handfo brownifh to fuftain the Mowers: it is ufually of a colour. very The leaves are placed in pairs, and have fhort foot{talks: they are fhort,. broad, nearly of a an oval figure, undivided at the edges, and of brownifh green. The flowers are fmall, and of a pale red: they and clufters fromcertainleafy heads; crow in tufts and they alfo are purplifh. Thefeeds are {mall and brown. by It is common in dry, hilly paftures, and in July. toad-fides in fuch fituations. It flowers cunila C. Bauhine calls it Origanum. fylveftre is, and bubula Plinii. Others, Majorana fylvefr Origanum vulgare. it It is an excellent medicine in nervous cafes: leaves is warm, cordial, and aromatick. The good againft and tops, dried and powdered, are HPrvisioNn Verbena flore violaceo majore, ZES7 4 root is long, ftalk is firm, the top, and leaves are of and ofa fine flowers are whitifh, and full of fibres: upright, and of a pale green at the bottom purplifh. an oval fhape, dentedat the bright green. very numerous and beau- tiful: they terminate the ftalks in long fpikes, with leaves among them; and theyare. of the fhape of cowflips, but of the colour of theviolet, a fine deep blue purple. The feeds are long and flender. g It is frequent in many parts of North AmeTica, and flowers in July. headachs.. The tops of the plant made into a conferve are good againft flatulencies and diforders of the ftomach and bowels. The whole plant given in infufion is excellent againft obftructions of the vifcera, and in the jaur 2. Pot Marjoram. Origanum onites. a 7257" - 4 The root is fibrous, and brown. The ftalk is firm, upright, fquare, and a foot and half high. Theleaves are oblong, and of a dufky green: they ftand in pairs, and they are not at all indented at the edges, and their points are obtufe. PLS 0 The rootis fibrous; andits fibres are long, flender, very numerous, and brown. The ftalks are numerous and robuft : they are {quare, of a brown colour, moderately branched, anda foot and half high. The leaves are oblong, broad, and of a brownifh green: they have fhort footftalks; and they ftand in pairs, The flowers ftand in clufters at the tops of the branches, andare ofa pale red. It is a native of England, and other parts of Europe, and flowers in July. We take it into gardens for the fervice of the kitchen: it is a warm, wholefome plant, good againft flatulencies andindigeftions. C. Bauhine calls it Origanumonites; copied by moft of the other writers. Majorana major Anglica. FOREIGN i. Long-fpiked Origanum. a ; Origanum capitulis longioribus. S.P Ev C-1 E:S. BRIETAS HA ontls 2. Great-flowered American Vervain. The The toward The edges, The pS MARJORAM, ORIGANUM. A. and toward the upperis fingle petal : it is tubular at the lower part, rPHE flower is formed of .a ; and is dividedinto five it {prea ds into a kind of gaping mouth bent or crodked, from this part The feveral fegments are fhort, rounded, and nearly lar lips. fegments, which form two irregu than in moft others of this clafs. The cup is equal in Jength ; and there is lefs of the labiated form divided into five fegments at the rim; and one fingle piece, tubular and angulated : it is formedof a and ftand naked in the cup; and they are oblong of thefe is, fhorter than the reft, The feeds Diva Sul ON., scl WILD A JOM BoB Bokw (Grad V. a name Some call it §.P.E. Cl Eis. branches in long, flender fpikes : they are fmall, andof a very faint redifh colour. The feeds are brown andlongith. It is a native of the Eaft, and flowers in July. C: Bauhine calls it Origanum Heracleoticum cunila gallinacea Plinit. Its tafte is extremely hot; andits virtues are the fame with the former. Theflowers ftand at the tops of the ftalks and G E bere (US Vil. SEEBRIGHT. Plukenet calls it Verbena orubica tennifolia. SCLAREA. and r, and comprefied in the lowerpart, HE flower is formed ofa fingle petal: +t ig tubula lip is long, flatted, and crooked : upper The s. twolip into d gapes at the edge, whereit is divide one of thefe is broader than into three fegments:: th ie middle d the lower lip is larger, and is divide N° XXXVI. 4¥Y the |