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Show The 312 a yeleach; and they are oblong, narrow, of lowifh green, and dented toward the ends. tops The fowers ftand in litcle clufters at the of the ftalks, and are of a bright yellow. The feed-veflels are flat, and little turned about : the feeds are few, and angulated. We have ‘it in our’hilly paftures, but not com- mon. It fowersin July. C. Bauhine calls it Trifolium luteum fylveftre lignea five frutefeens. HER BAL. SBoRW T 1s a Others, Medica fylveftris. 2. Common Heart-Trefoil. Medica folio cordato maculato. Plas? The root is long, flender, and furnifhed with numerous fibres. The firft leaves are placed on long, flender footftalks, three on each; and theyare of a heartlike fhape, and each has a black fpot in the middle. The ftalks are numerous, procumbent, and a foot long: they are flender, and of a pale green. The leaves on thefe refemble thofe from the root: they are alfo fpotted. The flowers are fmall and yellow. The feed-veffels are remarkable in their form and afpeét: they are rough, and twifted in a fingular manner. The feeds are large and few. It is common in paftures, and flowers in July. C.Bauhinecalls it Trifolium folio cordato macuJato. Others, Trifolium cordatum, and fome Medica Arabica Camerarii, 3. Little Hedgehog Trefoil. Medica echinata minima, 774 5» 2 Theroot is compofed of numerous fibres, The ftalks are weak, flender, procumbent, and fourorfive inches long. The leaves are few, and placed irregularly : they ftand by threes on flender footftalks ; and are of an oval figure, but fharp-pointed, and of a frefh green. The flowers are {mall'and yellow: they ftand in little clufters at the tops of the ftalks, and in the bofoms of the leaves. The feed-veffel is fmall, but rough, and, as it were, prickly ; whence the plant has obtainedits common Englifh name. The feeds are angulated, and brown, Wehave it in barren, hilly paftures. It fowers in June. C. Bauhine calls it Trifolium arvenfe fruéiu minore. Others, Medica echinata minima, and Medica fpinofa. 4. Prickly-edged Medick. 774314 Medica fruttu ad margines {pinofo. Therootis long, flender, and furnithed with a few fibres, DEVI Sal-O-N 1, The The firft leaves ate placed on lone foorttal three on each; and they are broad, ‘thort, « tufe, fomewhat heart-fafhioned, but with a Night dent, andofa fine lively green. The ftalks are numerous, flender, and ten inches high. Theleaves ftahd at diftances, andare like thofe from the root. The*flowers are {mall and yellow: ‘they fland on flender footftalks rifing from the bofoms of the leaves. Thefeed-veffel is twifted round, and has an edge of ftiff briftles. Wehave it in the fouthern counties very fre quent onfandy ground, andin fome other places. It flowers in July. Ray calls it Trifolium cochleatum modioli nofis. The old writers knew it not, Medica polycarpos frudiu compreffo nigricante, Theroot is flender, oblong, white, and has a few fibres. The firft leaves are placed by threes on flender footftalks ;. and they are fmall andobtufe. The ftalks are flender, not much branched, of a faint green, and eight inches high. The leaves on thefe refemble thofe from the root, but are {maller. The flowers are fmall and yellow: ¢ in great numberson flenderfootftalks the bofoms of the leaves, The rootis very long, and lives many years, The ftalks are numerous, firm, upright, much branched, and two feet or morein height : they are fmooth, and of a pale green, 3 in England ; andit is one of the greateft of the modern improvements in hufbandry. It is a rich and excellent foodforall kinds of cattle, The common wild medicas poffefs in general the fame qualities, but in an inferior degree. They enrich paftures wherein they grow; and a good ufe might be made of them, by fcattering the feeds among the grafs in grounds notvery fertile, 2. Snail-Trefoil. Medica frutu cochleato levi. 704 3 @ The’ feed-veftéls are compreffed, and blackithi Wehave it in dry paftures, but not common, It flowers in June. minoré com- The root is long, flender, and furnifhed with numerous fibres. The firft leaves are placed on {mall footflalks, and grow, as in the others, three on each: they are oblong, moderately broad, tharp-pointed, fertated at the edges, andof alively green. The flalks are numerous, flender, branched, a 6. Prickly Sea-Medick. foot or more in Medica maritima fpinofa. Theflowers ftand on flender footftalks rifing from the bofonis of the leaves; andthey are yel= The root is fmall and oblong. The ftalks are numerous, weak, procumbent, and eight or ten inches high. The leaves are placed by threes on fhortfoot: ftalks; and they are fhort, broad, obtufe, and of a bright green. The flowers are fmall and yellow. The fruit is twifted and prickly. The ftalks of the plant are ufually purple to- ward the root; and the tops of the fhoots are hairy. It is found about our fea-coafts, and flowers is July. Ray calls it Médica marina fupina noftras viridibus ad fummos ramulos villofis. FORE I GoNwoipesre dE: s: 1. Lucorne, Medica fativa flore purpureo. PC4 S05 der pedicles rifing from the bofoms of the leaves. The feed-vefiels are {mall arid twitted: It is a native of the warmer parts of Europe, and flowers in May. All authors call it Medica fative, and Fanum Burgundicum. The name /ucerve, now applied to this plant, was at one time given by the Frenchto the cockfhead, andits forther name faintfoin was given to this. There 'is-no faying which is right, for both are arbitrary ; andit is not eafy to dilcover which was the original application. The antients were very fond of this plant as fodderfor their cattle. We read. with aftonithment the pains they beftowed uponits culture. Fromthe antient the knowledge travelled to the modern Italy, and thence to France and Flanders: of very late years we have got into thé ufe ofit 5- Black-fruited Medick: Raycalls it Medica polycarpos fruéu preffo fcabro. “BIR I: T:1 StH Theleaves are placed very thick ; andtheyare difpofed, as in the others, three on a ftalk : they are.oblong, fharp-pointed, and flightly ferrated : their colour is a frefh green, The flowers are {mall, and of a beautiful violet-colour: they “are placed half a dozen to gether at the tops of the ftalks, and on flen~ cer sth, but not very upright. fel is very large, {mooth, of a pale wifted in the mannerof a {nail. The feeds are few and large. It is a native of. Italy. We fow it in gardens for the fingularity of the fruit. ine calls it Irifolium cochleatum frudiu rotundiore. 3. Cater ar-Trefoil. ahah 64, Medicu fructu convoluto afpero. 7% ao Phe root is long, flender, and hung with many fibres. The ftalks are numerous, weak, flender, branched, and a foot or more in length, The leaves ftand thick upon them, three at cach joint, on a long,flenderfootftalk ; they are fhort, broad, obtufe, and of a fomewhat. oval form, but inverted, or with the fmaller part below. N° 3I. 31 HERBAL, 303 The flowersare little and yellow: The feed-veflels are large, twirled about, and rough; {6 that they have the appearance of & green, hairycaterpillarrolled up. It is a native of the Eaft; and of the warmer parts of Europe. We keepit in gardens. C. Bauhine calls it Trifolj compre a Jpinis horrido. From this and the former fpecies the induftry of our gardeners has raifed a vaft many varieties; which have been defcribed. by many as diftin& fpecies. This .is the common error : but Linngus is in the extreme on the other fide. He rightly retrenches many; but he makes both thefe and the common wild kind the fame fpécies. This is plainly an error; becaufe the form of the leaves, as well as the fruit, differ. : 4. Moon-Trefoil. Medica filiquis lunatis; 7%C4507 The root is long and flender, and has very few fibres. The ftalks are numerous, weak, and of a pale green: they are afoot high, and branched, The leaves have long, flender pedicles; three ftand on each: they are oblong, broad, dented, andof a fine green. The flowers are fall and yellow: they ftand on fhort, {mall footftalks in the bofoms of the leaves. The feed-veffel is broad, flat, and notched at the edges : it is turned round; fo that it reprefents anew moon. The feeds are few and brown. It is found about the edges of vineyards in Italy. C. Bauhine calls it Trifolium filiqua foliata: Others, Trifelium lunatum. 5. Srubby Meon-Frefoil. Medica filiquis lunatis frut The root is woody, long, divided, and fpreading. The ftem alfo is woody, tough, and very much branched: the trunk is covered with a grey bark, but the twigs are green orgreyifh. The leaves ftand on long footftalks, three upon each : théy ‘are oblong, obtufe, and largeft at the ends; andare ofa greyith green. The flowers grow three together ufually on flender footftalks, and they are {mall andyellow. The feed-veflel is flat, and turned round in form of a créfceht ; but it is fmoothon the edge, not nickedas the preceding. The f€eds are large, angulated, and brown. It is a native of the Eaft, and flowers in Auguft. Authors have miftakenits proper genus: they have in general ranged it among the cytif. C. Bauhinecalls it Cytifus incanusfiliquis foliatis. Lobel, Cytifus maranta , a name copied by moft \ others |