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Show The BRITISH Gee: “H EIR BAL. aye se ENCHANTERS NIGHTSHADE. GlIER Cai yA. the cupconfifts HE flower is compofed of two petals, divided at the ends, and fpread open: and of two fmall, oval leaves, and falls with the flower : the feed-veffel is oval and rough, contains only two feeds. nd Linnzus places this among the diandria monogynia ; there being two threads in eachflo the ftyle from the rudiment of the capfule fingle. B Rav MRS Hews P Behe S, Dil VS Ocnuadk Common Enchanters Nightfhade. Circea lutetiana. GLL?P4, 2 g, and is furThe root is large and fpreading, nifhed with many fibres, The ftalk is round, firm, upright, and ten inches high. The leaves ftand in pairs, and have long foot- the ftalk : they are fmall and white; each has its feparate footftalk ; and they ftand in a veryre. gular manner : when the plant has been anytir in the flower thefe occupy the top ofthe e, and feed-vefieis hang from their footftalks on the lower part: befides the larger fpike which terminatesthe ftalk, there are ufuallyfmaller from the bofoms of the upper leaves. The twopetals ftalks: they are of an oval figure, and terminate in a fharp point; they are broadeft at the bafe, andfmaller all the way to, the extremity ; their colour is a deep beautiful green; andthey are a of whicheach flower is compofed are fo fplit that it feems to have four. The feed-veffels are fmall and rough. It is a native of our woods andthickets, and little indented at the edges, but it is lightly and flowers in April. irregularly, C. Bauhinecalls it Solanifolia circea ditta m Others, Circa lutetiana; or fimply Circe. The flowers ftand in a long fpike at the top of Di V 18.1.0 NaI FO 1. Dwarf Enchanters Nightfhade. Circea minima. The root is white, and fpreads under the furface. The ftalk is round, weak, and in part procumbent: it is four inches’ long, and lies half that length upon the ground. The leaves are broad and fhort, largeft at the bafe, and imaller to the point, not.at all indented at the edges, andof a blackith green, The flowers ftand in a {pike at the top of the ftalk, and are white, with a bluth of red: the cup is whitifh, and colouredat the edges. The feed-veffels are fhort, and roundith rather than oval. C. Bauhine calls it Solanifolia Circea alpina. Linnzus, Circea caule adfcendente racemo unico. RET GN SP EB Cob k's, figure; broad at the bafe, and obtufe atti ends: there are only two or three of them Theroot is long, thick, and {preading. eB aseeee eteaSaeed G LecAs.S8- 8-< VIL by a Plants whofe flower ts compofed of THREE PETALS, and is followed SINGLE CAPSULE. familiarly, and obvioutly Te clafs has all the advantages of the laft, in being clearly, is the fame : like that alfo it comprehends only a few plants; and there diftinguifhed the path to the fcience ealy reafon for keeping them feparate from all others, the rendering ; cat ; : and plain. of his works, placing the frogdit among Linnzus, zeus, however, feparates them into very diftant parts ; a. the polyandria henagyni his dioecia enneandria, and the /fratiotes among d, with thofe of the laft clafs; but he is Mr. Ray joins:the plants.of»this, as we before lobferve ng them fo widely one from another. much more excufable.than Linnzus in feparati tuft; and they have fhort footftalks, The ftalk is round, upright, firm, hairy, and two feet high. ASHSHOES iBaeAGS Se Saaaea The leaves ftand in pairs, and have long foot- ftalks: they, are broad and oblong, widelyferrated, and fharp-pointed ; and their colour isa beautiful deep green. ~Theflowers are white, with a tinge of purple fometimes, but not always; they ftand in long fpikes on the top of the ftalk, and on branches rifing from the bofoms of the upper leaves: the feed-veffel is large and rough. Natives of BRITAIN. of ‘this country. Thofe of which one or more fpecies are native It is a native of North America, and flowers in May. BSN Tournefort calls it Circea canadenfis latifolia Hlore albo. : 2, Broad-leaved Circea, Circea, latifolia. HE RB wd; BRITISH Nothingis certainly known of the virtues of thefe plants. Thefirft leaves are very large, and ofan oval Th END of te SIXTH CLASS. Ul FROGBIT. HYDROCHARIS. which fpread evenly open: the cup is coriiHEflower is compofed of three roun difh petals, l is fkinny, toundifh, and divided into pofed of three {mall, oval leaves: the feed-veffe f fix cells. other ria , fome plants of it having only male, and the Linnzus places this among his dicecia enneand ers being nine. flow male the in ftamina the and only female flowers; his nte f, ¢ > nus is this, that in the male three flowers this T difference in the male and female plants of The e the particular cup for each; and in the r, and there grow togethe eaved cup, and are fucceeded by having fingle, ftand female the flowers . This is all the obvious difference; but, when male plants are a capfule, which tho! ave nothrea clofer examined, the fem Ofthis plan Common |