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Show 5 The 4.28 7 2 BRITIS Hon) b ROB AYL. ft Englifi Gentle Thiftle. Cirfium Anglicum, ‘The C. Bauhine calls it €@s/iu art capitulo o. Others, C or mrepens. The flowerinthis alfo is fometimes white, E TT Six / The root is compofed of numerous, fpreading ; fibres. The ftalk isupright, firm, not much branched, : andtwo feet high. The leaves are long ‘and narrow: theyare of a pale green, covered lightly with a greyith, 3-, Blue Mountain Cirfium, Cirfium humile polyanthemum florecee The root is compofed of thick, whitefibres, The ftalk is upright, tough, whitith, and two feet high. The leaves are oblong, broad, and of 4 pale green: they are lightly downy on the furtace, and edged with five weakprickles. The flowers terminate the tops of the branches in clatters ; ‘and they are large, and of‘a bluith purple. The feeds are large and brown. It is not uncommon in Wales, and flowers in july. Raycz folio polye hoary matter, and at the edges befer with numerous, flight prickles. The flowers grow at the tops of the ftalks; and they are large and purple. It is found on marfhy ground in manyparts of England, and flowers in June. C. Bauhinecalls it Ciz/ium majus fingulari ca. pitulo. The leaves are fometimes divided flightly at the edges; and the flower is not unfrequently white. BER oT SE 2g HOH EO RSB Aah 3. Thiftle upon Thiftle. 7. Dwarf Carline Thiftle. Carduus caule crifpo. Carlina humilis, DCGf, The root is fibrous and white. The ftalks are numerous, tough, upright, branched, and edged with very fharp prickles. The leaves are long, narrow, of a deepgreen, divided at the edges, and very prickly. The flowers ftandat the tops of the branches in numerous fmall heads; and they are of a pale red. Tt is common under hedges, and flowers in July. C. Bauhine calls it Carduus fpino/iffimus angufti- folius vulgaris. 4. Welted Thiftle, with {mall fowers, 2. Great Gentle Thiftle. Citfium majus nutanie flore: ral fides with prickly membranes from the bafes lium foliis angufpis. den Theroot is long and fender. Theftalk is weak, tough, dividedinto a few branches, ‘and two feet high. : The leaves ‘aré long, ‘and very narrow; of a greyifh green, and ferrated at'the edges, The flowers are fnall’ and’ numerous, andare of a bright purple. Ray calls this ‘Cirfium monta Salicis folio, He thought it but a variety former: but F have both the plants, and. they are certainly diftin®. woollyand\whitifty on the upper fide, and quite white underneath. The flowers are large and purple: ufually there is’only’ one at the extremity of the’ ftalk. “Tt is found‘in mountainous damp places, but is not common, of the leaves, andofa dufky green. The leaves are oblong, confiderably broad, dentated and finuated at the edges, and very prickly. The flowers are placed in fmall heads at the tops of the ftalks, and in the bofoms of the upper leaves, andtheyareof a pale red. It is found on ditch-banks in loamy foils, and flowers in Auguft, C. Bauhine calls it Carduus acanthoides. Petiver, Carduus [pinofiffimus capitulis minoribus. 8. Spear-Thiftle. Carduus lanceatus. U; aN «8 II, The ftalk is upright, fix feet high, very prickly, and divided into numerous branches. The leaves are long and large: their colour is a pale green; and they are divided deeply at the edges into pointed fegments andat the ends are formed in the fame manner, refembling the point of a fpear. The flowers grow at the tops of the branches and are Jarge and purple. It is common in wafte places, and flowers in July. lanceatus I C. Bauhine calls it Cz, g. Small Spear-Thiftle. 5. Marth-Thiftle. Carduus lanc C AK lour, with a tinge of purple, and is very DU Uv Ss. prickly. HE flowers are placed in great numbersin acommon cup. This is compofed of many {caly fubftances, pointed at the ends; and it fwells out in a rounded form. Each flower is formed of a fingle petal ; and is tubular, and fmall at the bottom, and fpread out broad at the top; where it is divided into five fegments, one more deeply feparated than the others. The feeds are winged with down. Theleaves are befet with ftrong and fharp petals, andin many fpecies alfo the ftalks. DIVISION. L BRITISH 1. Common WayThiftle. Carduus vulgatifimus. D061. 2B The root is white and creeping. The ftalks are numerous, tough, of a pale green, fmooth, not much branched, anda yard high. The leaves are numerous, long, moderately. broad, and of a ftrong green: they are deeply and irregularly notched and finuated at the edges, and befet with long and fharp prickles, The flowers terminate the branches in numerous fmall heads ; andare of a pale purple. It is common in fields and under hedges. It flowers in June. C. Bauhine calls it Carduus repens folio fonchi. The root is compofed of numerous, tough, brown fibres. The ftalk is upright, not much branched, and feven feet high: it is ufually of a brownifh co- ALT S iE. SPECIES. The leaves are long, and moderately broad, of adeep green, and fet with thorns. The flowers ftand at the tops ofthe ftalk, fix or eight together ; and they are of a deep purple. It is frequent in meadows, and flowers in June. C.Bauhinecalls it Caz uns palufiris. Others, Carduus aquaticus. 2: Mufk-Thiftle. 6. Marfh-Thiftle, with a fingle head. Carduus mofchatus capitulo nutantes Carduus paluftris fingulari capitulo. The root is Jong, thick, and furnifhed with many fibres. The ftalk is firm, upright, of a brownifh colour, andfive feet high. The leaves are numerous, large, and divided at the edges: they are of a dufky green, andbe; fet with fharp prickles. ‘The flower is large and purple ; and frequently there is but one at the extremity of the ftalk, which hangs drooping. It is very common in damp _paftures, and. flowers in June. J. Bauhine calls it Carduus nutans, C. Bauhine, Cirfium majus fingulari capitulo magno. 3. Thiftle i The flower ufually ftands fingle at the fummit of the ftalk : it is a large prickly head, containIng numerous flofcules of a very bright purple. It is found in-our fen countries, and flowersin uly. Plukenetcalls it Carduus paluftris mitior bardane capitulo in fummo caulefingulari. The flower is fometimes white, N° XLIIL minor. The root is compofed of r The ftalk is upr branches, and four feet hi fibres. d into many ts colour is a greyith green, and it is very prickly, The leaves are long, and narrow: they are deeply divided into fharp fegments; and they run out into a long point at the end. Theflowers are fmall, and of a palered; and they ftand in great clufters at the extremities of the branches. It is common by way-fides, and flowers in Auguft, Ray calls it Carduus lanceatus flore et capite mi= noribus. to. Giant-Thiftle. Carduus lanceatus maximus. The root is formed of numerous, thick, white bres, The ftalk is upright, redifh, very prickly,“not much branched, andfourfeet high. The leaves are very large, broad, oblong, and moderately prickly. PCCtu The root is long, and hung with many fibres. Carduus paluftris. Goat 3 The root is long and thick, ar fibres. The leaves lie {pread upon the ground; and they are long andlarge, very deeply and irregularly divided at the edges, and fer with ftrong, fharpprickles, The floweris large, and of a fine purple: it fearce rifes from the ground, but grows in the centre of the leaves upon a very fhort ftalk. It is commonin dry paftures in many of our fouthern counties, and flowers in July. C. Bauhine calls it Car 2 urpUred. Others, Carlina acaulis feptentrionalium. Carduus [pinofiffimus floribus minoribus. The root is long, thick, and furnifhed with many fibres. The ftalk is three feet high, edged at the feve- The root is fibrous, and white. The ftalk is firm, upright, whitifh, and five feet high: it is rarely much branched, and toward the top it ufually bends with the weight of the flower. The leaves are very large, oblong,» broad, 429 The root is compofed of numerous fibres, conneéted to a large head. The ftalk is upright, firm, very prickly, not much branched, and eight feet high. The leaves are very large, long, confiderably broad, of a fine deep green, and divided in the {pear-pointed manner at the fides and ends. The flowers are few in number; but they are very large: they ftand at the tops of the branches, and are of a fine purple. It is common in our northern counties, and flowers ih July. Ray calls it Carduus la 5 major. 5R 11. Wooly |