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Show H ERB APL. ABER WEIL sas The The 4.90 e e 7. Jagged Sea-Orach, Atriplex maritima laciniata. Theplant is {mall, and the leaves are hoary. ocymt 8, Bafil-leaved Sea-Orach, Atriplex maritima . minoris folio. The leaves fmall, and roundith fe 9 Broad-cup’d Sea-Orach, Atriplex maritima mine lato. It isa {mall upright plant. fruticofa 10.. Orach, called Sea-Purflain, Atriplex grey, | balimus diffa. A thrubby plant, with oblong leaves. G N 11. Narrow, clufter-leaved Sea O itim Foti The fmall and narrow. . Long, narrow-leaved maritima longiffime graminis fol 13. Narrow, obtufe-leaved Orach, itima folio angufto obtufo. T of a bluith green. U BRITISH Gr XIX. ES oN HERBAL. 4.91 14. Sea-Blite, called Shrub Stone Crop, Biitum vermicularis fruten diftum, Shrubby, and branched, folio triangulari dentato. ‘The leaves of a deep green. , Cluftered Blite, with undivided leaves, BLtum racemofum foliis integris. The flowers fmall. . Small, olive-leaved Blite, Blitum craffo oliofolio. A {mall upright plant, . Sea-Blite, called White Saitwort, Blitum kali minus album difium. A branched, fmall plant. Great Sea-Blite, called Tree Stone Crop > ; Blitum vermicularis frutex dium majus. Very much branched. . Small, red Blite, Blitum rubrumminus, Small, with oblong leaves, and large flowers, Woe ee Bij £. B! Bt T 7 U M. cup, with its filaments, and the ru rpHE flower has no petals. It confifts of a five-leaved ceous fubftance. The ofthe fruit: the leaves of it are oval, and edged with thin, membrana being marked withfive r feed is fingle ; and the cup clofes about it, ferving as a capfule, and the filaments in the the pentan Linneus feparates this from the atriplex, placing it among rR is EB aay ie * Linneus places this among the pentandria digynia, the flower haying five filaments, and two flowerbeing five. Wild Sea-Beet. 4. Englith Mercury. 1. Blite, called Common Orach. [Blitumatriplen fylvefiris dictum. PC, anl5 The root is fibrous. The ftalk is a yard high, branched, and of a pale green. The leaves are oblong, and deeply finuated ; and they are alfo of a pale green. The flowersare fmall, and ofa greenifh white. Tt is common on dryfoils, flowering in Auguit. C. Bauhine calls it triple candicante. Others, Atriplex /) 's folio finuato 2. Stinking Orach, Blitum The rootis fibrous. The ftalks are a foot long, weak, branched, and of a greyifh colour. The leaves havelong footftalks ; and they are of a roundifh, but fomewhat a The flowers are fimall and gr The whole plant is covered with a kind of ereyith powder, andis of an extremely difagreeable fmell. It is common on dry banks, and flowets in July. C.Bauhine calls Others, Bhitumfet A con*erve of its frefh tops is good againft hyfterick complaints. The other kinds have little virtue. 3. Upright Blite, called Allfeed. Bitum ei mn poly/permon. P Blitum mercurialis A The root is fibrous. The ftalk is ribbed, anda foot and half high. The leaves have long foottta and t of a yellowifh green, and of an arrow-he fhape. The flowers are ndme ifh, ered with gr The whole duft. It is commonin paftures, and flowers in J C. Bauhine calls it Lepathum unédtucfum. It is eaten boiled, and is very wholefome. Befide thefe four, which are the fpecies of blite mot diftinet," there are fifteen others, natives of England, and thefe we fhall enume under the preceding kin i by their proper characters, which are a yard high, and divided into many branches; and they are {mall and white. It is common on our fea-coafts, and flowers in Auguft. C. Bauhinecalls it Beta fylweftris maritina, a name others have copied, Beta fyloeftris maritima, The root is long, thick, and perennial. The leaves are oblong, broad, obtufe, of a whitifh green, and placed onlong footftalks, The flowers ftand at the tops of the ftalks, Cen ow Uc minus GNgU, The root is fibrous. {mall. The ftalk is redifh, upright, and a foot and . Serrated leaved Blite, half high. Theleaves bluifh, Theleaves have flender footftalks; and they . Fig-leaved Blite, Bd are oblong, obtufe, and ofa dufky green. very deeply divided into three parts The fi Ta {4 y The flowers are» fmall, greenifh, and very nufingered manner. merous. g. Round-leaved Blite, B d J It is commonin wafte grounds, and flowersin The leaves broad, obtufe, and round Augutt. | 10. Triangular, ferrated leaved C. Bauhine calls it Blitumpoly/permum, 8 XXI. PELLITORY OF THE WALL, Pi Au TREAT eR er ah, HE flowers are of two kinds, hermaphrodite and female, on the fame plant. Two hermaphrodite fowers are contained in a common cup; which is formed of fix leaves; two of which, placed oppofite, are much larger than the others. Each of thefe hermaphrodite flowers is formed of a cup, divided into four parts, which afterwards lerigthens, {wells out, and enclofes the feed. The fe male flowets are placed. fingly between two of the others, all contained inthe common cup: theyare of the fame form with the others, and in the fame manner furround the feed, but lefs confpicuoufly. Linnzus places this among the p:/jygamia monac The flowers are {mall and inconfiderable. It is common on walls, and flowers in June. C. Bauhine calls it Par: oficinarum eb Diraae Pellitory of the Wall. 1. Goofe foot, Bir is robuft, full of nches, broad, finuated leaves. . Narrow-leaved Goofe-foot, Blitum pes anfe The leaves deeper nus dictum acutiore fo cut, and fharp-poin Long-fpiked Goofe-foot, Bii JSinuatn catum. The {pikes of flowers very lon the leaves pale. Pointed-leaved Goofe-foot, Bi. lon, umn muncnem procurrente. very beautiful. . Procumbent Blite, with thick, finu Blitum pro Small, narrow-leavec : HEflower confifts only of a cup, and the organs of impregnation, The cup has five oval and obtufe leaves. The feed is contained in brittle capfule, placed in the bottomof the cup.p. Parietaria vulgaris. The root is fibrous, and redith. are nuimerous, redifh, brittle, The ftalks jointed, and a fvor in length: Theleaves ftand very thick upon them; and are oblong, and of a dufky green. at fully byurine, andis excellent againft the gravel 1 OWS) RED IFRAGA and a flower has no petals 5 but the cupis coloured, ref : two larger and two {maller. piece, divided into four fegments, erous contains this ftands enclofed in the cup, and has two. bea yreads ; tl Linneus places this among the oftandria , €ach flower. “¢ . Common Golden Saxifrage. aga aurea vulgaris. The root is fibrous. oi feeds. eight "The ftalks are numerous, weak, flender, of a pale green, and fix inches high. Jented at the The leaves are rounded, but with fhort footftalks Th |